The man known simply as "Running Fan" lost his job, faced an audience's scorn on a "Jerry Springer" -style talk show and is mocked and caricatured relentlessly on the Internet.
While Jerry Springer and his ilk filled their studios with stump-toothed degenerates, ms Winfrey introduced her book club and encouraged her viewers to improve themselves.
How many of would you rather see her beat the crap out of her husband on 'Jerry Springer?' "— Jay leno?"
Compared to Oprah, the Jerry Springer show looks like poisonous waste being dumped on society. CET-6, 2000.1.
与oprah相比,Jerry Springer的节目似乎是倒在社会中的有毒垃圾。
The summer after high school, afflicted with a serious case of boredom, I would often spend my time baking away pool side, or watching Jerry Springer or Maury Show at my then girlfriend’s house.
高中后的暑假,由于十分的无聊,我经常不是呆在泳池边,就是在我当时的女朋友家看Jerry Springer或Maury Show。
That's why we humans have law enforcement agencies, the military and impartial arbitrators like Jerry Springer.
She says the best way to do that is to come out, be yourself, and give people the opportunity to know a transgendered soul personally, rather than through the lens of Jerry Springer.
How many of would you rather see her beat the crap out of her husband on 'Jerry Springer?
How many of would you rather see her beat the crap out of her husband on 'Jerry Springer?