Use the following list for spur-of-the-moment adventure seeds involving arcane spell casters.
One to three minutes is a realistic time frame for most impromptu situations. Some spur-of-the-moment remarks, such as press statements, may be even shorter.
I phoned him up on the spur of the moment.
He must have cooked up his scheme on the spur of the moment.
They admitted they had taken a vehicle on the spur of the moment.
The band you went to see on that wet Tuesday after work on the spur of the moment is likely to be literally incomparable.
Police said the attack wasn't some spur of the moment idea.
If you want to take a weekend road trip, you can make that decision on the spur of the moment.
Fisher’s insights have left me intrigued as I attend my niece’s fifth birthday party while Rob decides – on the spur of the moment – to head north for a spot of fishing.
They may decide to go for a weekend in Thailand on the spur of the moment, and the personal assistant has to make it happen.
It's like saying something clever in a conversation as if you'd thought of it on the spur of the moment, when in fact you'd worked it out the day before.
The Guardian has learned that Africa's intervention was not a spur of the moment decision by negotiators.
She went into the Morris Hotel to use the phone, then decided on the spur of the moment to take a room.
On the spur of the moment I pulled a handful of coppers from mycoat pocket and handed them to the policeman. "Please give himthis," I said.
In a paper he drafted on the spur of the moment, entitled “Success Lies in Paradox”, he asked, “When is a tiny keyboard more efficient than a large one?”
His brothers said it was done on the spur of the moment, but his colleagues at al-Baghdadia said he had been planning it for months.
他的兄弟认为这只是一时冲动之举,而同在al -Baghdadia工作的同事则表示,他为此已经策划数月。
You sometimes act before you think and do things on the spur of the moment, and that sometimes gets you into trouble.
When the young man heard that his friend was going to the city, he decided, on the spur of the moment, to accompany him.
I ask everyone who works in an office: Come on, could your company organize and execute something this complex on the spur of the moment?
Jennifer: I don't know. We were just chatting when, on the spur of the moment, he asked me out.
Colonel: Ahh... it's just not possible Poirot. Nobody could think all that up all by himself on the spur of the moment.
If in quarrel, some unpleasant memories come to mind, even if can not forget, also want to remain indifferent, avoid by all means is "off", "attack" easily hurt feelings on the spur of the moment.
Ann informal meeting usually takes place on the spur of the moment to discuss a special point.
They confessed that they did not rob that night mentally prepared is spur of the moment.
He asked her to marry him on the spur of the moment.
Think before you leap. Don't accept his proposal on the spur of the moment!
Most of the time these methods are closely discussed with me, but of course some things happen at the spur of the moment.
Most of his after-dinner stories were thought up on the spur of the moment.
Most of his after-dinner stories were thought up on the spur of the moment.