Signal which prevents accidental operation by spurious signals or avoids possible ambiguity .
Without proper shielding of the switches, interconnecting cables, and test fixturing, spurious signals (offsets) may be generated that will compromise the signal being measured.
In these cases, filters can be added to the switch to modify the signal frequency bandwidth, or spurious signals at unwanted fre quencies can be eliminated from the signal to the DUT.
Signal filter: signal filters can be useful in a number of circumstances, such as when spurious noise is inadvertently added to the signal as it travels through the switch.
Due to additive relative motion between ground jamming emitters and SAR, the spurious phase modulation of transmission signal is produced.
A new method to produce high-linear, low-spurious and wide-band LFM radar wave signal is proposed.
研究了一种高线性度、低杂散宽带LF M雷达波形信号的实现方法。
The out band spurious spectrum is limited by raised cosine filter in transmitter, and the shadow effect can be removed by combining the signal power of two branches in receiver.
It provides superior signal quality, low phase noise, good harmonic suppression and low spurious.
It provides superior signal quality, low phase noise, good harmonic suppression and low spurious.