The SQL DDL which is used to create the database is as follows.
用来创建数据库的SQL DDL如下所示。
You can create a SQL DDL file, order_by.ddl, containing this SQL.
您可以创建一个SQL ddl文件order _ by . ddl,包含该SQL。
Ifx_grid_connect - connect to grid to run one or more SQL DDL statements.
ifx_grid_connect:连接到网格以运行一个或多个SQL ddl语句。
After successfully opening the database, the SQL DDL to create the database table is executed.
成功打开数据库后,执行创建数据库表的SQL DDL。
I have an output file (it's a SQL DDL, actually) where I'd like to write certain blocks to one file, and the rest to a second.
我有一个输出文件(这是一个SQL DDL实际上,),我想写一些块到一个文件,其余的第二。
Use this mode to perform any maintenance task, including tasks requiring the execution of SQL and DDL statements, when no other users are connected to the database server.
The scripting wizards guide you through the steps required to customize the generated DDL and SQL statements for creating new DB2 schema objects and routines.
这些脚本编制向导指导您通过一系列步骤,以定制用于创建新的DB 2模式对象和例程的DDL和sql语句。
Since the new SQL expressions and attributes for optimistic locking can be used with no DDL changes to the tables involved, you can easily try optimistic locking in your test applications.
This enables administrators to use familiar SQL data definition language (DDL) statements to create database objects for persisting their XML data.
In most development environments, the changes are reversed by dropping all database objects and recreating them using the previous version of the SQL (data Definition Language [DDL]) scripts.
在大多数开发环境中,更改是通过删除所有数据库对象,并使用之前版本的SQL (DDL)脚本重新创建它们来逆转的。
SQL has two main components: a Data Definition Language (DDL) and a Data Manipulation Language (DML).
The rest of this article provides a basic introduction to the DDL components of SQL.
这篇文章后面的部分将提供对SQL 的DDL 部分的基本介绍。
In the example in this article, there is a single DDL TAB, because an SQL stored procedure has only a DDL.
After this you can CREATE the DDL for the changes that are to be made, and you can either run it directly on the server or save the DDL as an SQL script to execute at a later time.
It's also pretty simple, and the data definition language (DDL), which is the language you use to create structures in SQL, is in Listing 4.
Executing the modified DDL to catalog the SQL stored procedure.
执行修改后的DDL,以编目s QL存储过程。
Command: db2 a "TVF C: \ daytrader \ modules \ db2 \ SQL \ table."ddl.
命令:db2—tvfC: \daytrader \modules \db 2 \sql \Table.ddl。
Copying and modifying the SQL stored procedure DDL for changes due to SCHEMA name, collection ID, and WLM application environment.
The script files may contain any supported DDL, DML, and DCL SQL statements.
Generate the DDL (right-click and select Generate DDL as shown in Figure 24), and then select Run SQL on the result script against a database connection.
生成ddl(右击并选择Generate ddl如图24所示),然后在数据库连接上的结果脚本上选择RunSQL。
The data Definition Language (DDL) part of SQL permits database tables to be created or deleted.
Data source (ODBC) schema, you must issue a SQL statement directly to the data source using Database Definition Language (DDL).
Data source (ODBC) schema, you must issue a SQL statement directly to the data source using Database Definition Language (DDL).