Query 11 returns the same logical result as Query 10 but USES XMLTABLE and the SQL group by clause.
查询10返回与查询9相同的逻辑结果,但使用的是SQL的group by子句。
Using SQL group by and aggregation functions on that table is usually more efficient than producing the same result in plain XQuery.
对该表使用SQL的group by函数和聚集函数通常比使用生成相同结果的普通XQuery更有效。
Automatically group SQL in packages by schema or table.
Multiple slices of data can be returned in a single query by using grouping sets or super-groups (such as ROLLUP) in the GROUP-BY clause of the SQL statement.
通过在sql语句的GROUP BY子句中使用多个分组集或超级组(比如rollup),可以在一个查询中返回数据的多个切片。
The GROUP BY and SORT clauses in SQL allow for more structuring than the examples in this column have demonstrated, but XML node hierarchies can represent their results as well.
SQL中的GROUP BY和SORT 子句所顾及的比本专栏示例所演示的更具有结构性,但XML节点层次结构也可以表示它们的结果。
An operation can be a relational operator, a system - or user-defined function, or an SQL operator, such as GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and so on.
操作可以是一个关系运算符,或者系统或用户定义的函数,也可以是一个sql操作符,例如GROUP BY、ORDER BY等。
The statements that have been executed in the system are grouped by type along with summary statistics for each SQL statement group.
All of the SQL expressions for any attributes that were selected as columns in the select clause should also be in the GROUP BY clause.
对于作为select子句中的列的任何属性,它们的SQL表达式也应该放在GROUP by子句中。
The SQL generated by the previous instructions has only a single grouping set in the GROUP-BY clause.
前面步骤产生的SQL在GROUP BY子句中只有一个分组集。
MongoDB also provides a group function for performing actions like you would do in a group BY expression in SQL.
MongoDB还为执行类似于SQL中的group BY表达式的操作提供了group函数。
This paper considers SQL Group-By and aggregation based on merge-sort in parallel database systems.
Therefore, if you add columns to the query output, the query and View Designer automatically adds them to the GROUP BY clause of the statement in the SQL pane.
因此,如果将列添加到查询输出中,则查询和视图设计器会自动将其添加到“SQL”窗格中语句的GROUP by子句中。
Therefore, if you add columns to the query output, the query and View Designer automatically adds them to the GROUP BY clause of the statement in the SQL pane.
因此,如果将列添加到查询输出中,则查询和视图设计器会自动将其添加到“SQL”窗格中语句的GROUP by子句中。