Missile-borne SAR has three important characteristics including the high flight speed, the movement with non-constant speed and the big squint angle.
It is proved that the choice of the reference frequency in NCSA is unique. A multiple-look SAR imaging method for the large squint Angle is presented.
These conclusions are important for choosing suitable radar system parameters such as center frequency , resolution and imaging squint angle in engineering design.
The relationship shows that the maximum bandwidth is limited for these algorithms and becomes narrow when the center frequency is lower and the imaging squint angle is larger.
The special relationship among signal bandwidth, center frequency and imaging squint angle in the Range-Doppler imaging algorithm and other methods is also presented in the Chapter 3.
The simulation results prove that roll error and its stabilization and spaceborne SAR squint angle are the key factors to SAR resolution performance errors. The conclusion is valuable t…
RD algorithm based on minimum entropy criteria carries out the correction phase errors caused by high squint Angle via searching error coefficients for improving the imaging focus effect.
Signal properties of spaceborne spotlight SAR were discussed. The relationships of centroid Doppler, Doppler bandwidth and PRF (Pluse Repetition Frequency) with squint Angle were analyzed.
The quality of images of simulated bistatic echoes focused by the algorithm is much better than algorithm based on two-order range model at the case of large squint angle and high resolution.
With the analysis of R-D algorithm, the relationship between the frequency of radar, the signal frequency width and the squint angle is deduced. The result is identified by computer simulation.
Correction of angle of squint:Angle of squint decreased by simple weaken the rectus muscles was least, and decreased by combined with weaken resection reposition the rectus was best.
Correction of angle of squint:Angle of squint decreased by simple weaken the rectus muscles was least, and decreased by combined with weaken resection reposition the rectus was best.