SSE Composite index yesterday at the impact point of 2050, there have been relatively rare in the recent sharp callback, the index fell 100 points or more.
This article tries to analyze the relationship between full and net prices of actively-traded treasury bonds and the bond index of Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) by using linear regression.
Chinese stock index continued to rise during recent three years, especially in 2007, the SSE Composite index experience the steep trend.
An average cycle which is about 20 days was discovered in the time series of SSE T-Bond Index.
A shares this year, China suffered a sharp decline of the setback, as of the first half of SSE Composite Index has fallen by 48%, 47% Shenzhengchengzhi.
The relationship between stock prices (represented by SSE Index in the paper) and inflation has been a topic of debate home and abroad.
The relationship between stock prices (represented by SSE Index in the paper) and inflation has been a topic of debate home and abroad.