The simplest use of ssh is ssh hostname .
ssh最简单的用法是 ssh hostname。
You will need to see what format SSH reports in the /var/adm/messages file, whether the host is resolved as a short or long hostname.
需要查看SSH在 /var/adm/messages文件中采用什么格式,主机是解析为短主机名还是长主机名。
More specifically, SSH is a more secure utility that does not transmit passwords in clear text, and performs much more robust checks to ensure that clients are not spoofing their hostname.
This typically includes the private-key file name and location, the SSH port number, and hostname.
To confirm that everything works fine, execute the following command: SSH -n hostname 'date' and see if the command executes without errors.
为了确保所有的配置都能正常工作,请执行下面的命令:ssh- nhostname'date ',并查看这个命令能否成功执行,而不会出现任何错误。
ssh opened a connection to and passed the hostname -a -v arguments to the remote computer, which ran the command and returned the output to the local computer.
ssh建立到 的连接,然后将 hostname-a-v参数传递到远程计算机,该参数将运行这个命令并将输出返回到本地计算机。
ssh opened a connection to and passed the hostname -a -v arguments to the remote computer, which ran the command and returned the output to the local computer.
ssh建立到 的连接,然后将 hostname-a-v参数传递到远程计算机,该参数将运行这个命令并将输出返回到本地计算机。