In addition, the principal of seeking active reagents is brought to light by means of phase diagram theory and method of stage-by-stage micro -...
Another application of stage-by-stage model is to investigate the post-stall behavior in the compression system which consists of one compressor and one combustion chamber.
This paper analyzes the stage-by-stage thermal energy utilization of the SK15HE cogeneration plant(imported from England)of Shazhong Thermal PowerStation by using the"exergy efficiency"concept.
本文采用“(火用)效率”这一概念对莎中热电站从英周引进的SK15HE 热电联供装置的热能分级利用进行了分析。
The results showed that stage-by-stage calcination could prevent effectively the molecular sieves from eliminating aluminum and keep well the original crystallites and the specific surface area.
Rather than working through the built-in tutorials, the course will instead focus stage-by-stage on developing a simple performance instrument controlled by the native capabilities of the laptop.
The police are building up a picture of the incident stage by stage.
Figure 3 shows how work can be organized within a stage, with the stage governed by a control project.
The first stage is the incubation stage. In this first stage, the new arrival may feel euphoric and be pleased by all of the new things encountered.
For example, the first stage could be AD hoc decentralized tracking of project assignments by person, while the last stage could be individual feedback on task status.
The rocket consists of a giant core stage flanked by two solid rocket boosters, each slightly larger than the first stage of Ares I.
The first stage of the two-stage Naro rocket was designed and built by Russia and the second by South Korea.
It does this by making the two-stage boot loader into a three-stage boot loader.
Optionally, inspect the data in the target table by selecting View Data in the stage editor for the target DB2 stage.
Huang Village hollow gap, scattered by Shaitai, far from looking like a stage, in this stage, the total play from ancient to modern times throughout the year play.
He performed on a studio theatre, with bare stage bounded by black curtains and with no stage properties.
The small-sized plane of small town of home of join United States is exiting the market stage by stage.
Most patients (88.44%) accept standardized treatment in acute attack stage, only 32.81% patients in remission stage treated by GINA scheme.
He performed on a studio theatre, bare stage bounded by black curtains, with no stage properties.
The time implementation of traffic engineering can be classified into three kinds: longitudinal stage, transverse stage and stage by project items.
The relative anomaly of target at later stage is bigger than that at earlier stage, and less affected by cut-out time.
Properties of anti-cracking of rubberized mortar were studied at plastic stage and hard stage by the method of board and ring devices respectively.
The ratio of the stillbirth and the early neonatal death DE creased one stage by one stage.
Therefore, image quality and radiation protection is being concentrated stage by stage in the world.
Based on the idea of "analyze stage by stage, from coarse to minute" in software engineering, the basic models of processing all kinds of logic connectives are defined.
In administration of contemporary company safety, thing aftertreatment already was prevented by beforehand stage by stage be replaced.
She improved in health stage by stage.
A stage by stage mathematical model of the compressor in a turbojet engine is developed based on the control volume theory.
A stage by stage mathematical model of the compressor in a turbojet engine is developed based on the control volume theory.