The results indicate that the thickness variations exhibit no significant influence on stagnation temperature, while the cooling power drops sharply as the thickness increases.
In the model the exit area ratio, solid particle mass ratio, fuel enthalpy of combustion, jet gas molecular weight, chamber stagnation temperature, flight Math number etc. have been considered.
The temperature profiles measured from the boundary layers at stagnation-point are reasonable in agreement with the results of theoretical calculation.
The numerical solutions of VSL equation sets in one-temperature and two-temperature cases are obtained for flows in the stagnation region of a hypervelocity blunt body.
The results show that the temperature of body stagnation region increases rapidly at boosted period, and it will come to balance after entering cruise period.
Brake problems brake shoe and the gap between the brake drum is too small, temperature brake drum, trailer brake easily cause stagnation, such as fault locked;
制动不灵 制动蹄片与制动鼓之间的间隙过小,制动鼓温度升高,易引起制动拖滞、抱死等故障;
Brake problems brake shoe and the gap between the brake drum is too small, temperature brake drum, trailer brake easily cause stagnation, such as fault locked;
制动不灵 制动蹄片与制动鼓之间的间隙过小,制动鼓温度升高,易引起制动拖滞、抱死等故障;