One, for instance, consisted of rods of various lengths and thicknesses which would stand up on end like ninepins.
One, for instance, consisted of rods of various lengths and thicknesses which would stand up on end like ninepins.
A furious woman stood up at the end of the lecture and asked: "and Lord Russell, what will you say when you stand in front of the throne of God on judgment day?"
讲座快要结束的时候,一位愤怒的女士忽然站起来,并且质问罗素:“那么罗素勋爵,在大审判日那天,当你站在上帝的宝座之前的时候,你打算说些什么呢? !”
An older egg will stand up on one end and if the eggs are REALLY old, they may even float.
The beginning, have been discouraged, suffering, and disappointment, but in the end of the urging of friends, to re-get up, stand on the playground.
So during their match, every time he falls down, he struggles to stand up and insists on till the end of the compitition.
In such arrays, DNA strands are attached to the substrate by one end and stand up like bristles on a brush.
In such arrays, DNA strands are attached to the substrate by one end and stand up like bristles on a brush.