Regulatory requirements may also call for standards and standard operating procedures.
"There are no hard and fast rules, " Lopez says. "Just a bunch of very flexible, standard, safe operating procedures.
"We need to check the medical institutions' standard operating procedures (SOP) for organ donations and transplants," Wang said.
To further strengthen international alert and response capabilities, an enhanced event-management system and standard operating procedures have been developed by WHO.
Following WHO standard operating procedures, including intensive external evaluation, Turkmenistan was certified malaria free in October 2010.
Standardize: Create rules and standard operating procedures.
Assist the Banquet operations Manager in the implementation of all standard operating procedures, service standards and to ensure smooth operations in Banquet operations.
Understand and receive certification of all Standard Operating Procedures in SOP Circle.
These include standard operating procedures, training and retraining of the end users to maintain a high degree of compliance.
Principle 2 — codify the new methods of performing tasks into written rules and standard operating procedures.
原则2 - - -编纂的新方法执行任务到书面规则和标准作业程序。
Embedding-including statistical methods in the standard operating procedures for business processes-is a powerful method of institutionalizing the proper use of statistical methods.
At the same time, all the way Wilson has become the standard operating procedures, the confrontation with the KGB play an important role to play.
Follow standard operating procedures and your personal minimums.
Follow of standard operating procedures for the pool daily operation.
A set of IBM operating procedures for synchronous transmission used in teleprocessing networks, BSC has become a DE facto standard protocol.
To have complete knowledge of Novotel standard operating policies and procedures.
The preparation, management and implement of standard operating procedures (SOP) are important soft content in the construction of GLP laboratories.
At the same time, all the way Wilson has become the standard operating procedures, the confrontation with the KGB played an important role to play.
Objective It was a reference for GLP laboratory to develop standard operating procedures (SOP) of instruments and equipment.
After General Electric, DuPont, General Motors being elected in the U. s. a since 20 years of last century, this approach soon became the standard operating procedures for large-scale enterprises.
Routineperformance checks, cleaning, and maintenance, as described in the standard operating procedures or metrology documents, help to ensure reliable operation of these instruments.
This manual contains many needed revisions to standard operating procedures in all phases of our operations.
Quality:strict construction management, standard operating procedures, to provide quality services, create good works.
Formulation of suitable standard operating procedures for the Indian Navy and coordination of the Indian Navy's activities with the Navies of friendly foreign countries in the Gulf of Aden.
Performance of Nursing Officer Duties in a Disaster plan (DISPLAN) or mass casualty (MASCAL) incident as per TTY Standard Operating Procedures.
Performance of Nursing Officer Duties in a Disaster plan (DISPLAN) or mass casualty (MASCAL) incident as per TTY Standard Operating Procedures.