The results shows, no significant difference was found between the method and standard analytical method.
Spectrophotometric method and gas chromatography were the authorized national standard analytical methods to fusel oil.
For the standard analytical method, the series of standard solution for the determination of As, se and Hg in water by atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry must be prepared for every test.
It is fast, simple, accurate, may become the analytical method for the missible oil quality standard.
In order to make the TVOC measurement results comparable, its standard definition and analytical method is given.
Standard reference matter (SRM) is the basis of analytical method studying, and is reliable method of quality assurance as well.
This paper introduces survey of China coal quality study, standard and analytical method of coal, standard of China coal is compared with ISO and other country.
The accuracy of the method was practised by the national standard material of grain. All of the results show that the analytical method is accurate and reliable.
Nine samples can be converted in every time test. The method is simple, and save time. The analytical results are satisfactory as against the standard method.
Relative standard deviation (RSD) of the EDTA titrimetric method is 2.82%, and the analytical results are basically consistent with those obtained according to the DHF83B methodology.
EDTA滴定法分析结果的相对标准偏差rsd为2.82%,与DHF83 - B多元素快速分析仪法比较,其结果基本一致。
The analytical results were compared with the standard solution. This method is accurate.
The residual analytical method of this bactericide is singularly reported, its national standard method has not been established yet.
The analytical results from this method are consistent with those determined by standard volumetric method.
A quantitative analytical method of 5% diethylmethylbenzamide in drive-worms floral- water by GC was introduced, Dibutyl Phthalate was selected as internal standard.
A quantitative analytical method of 5% diethylmethylbenzamide in drive-worms floral- water by GC was introduced, Dibutyl Phthalate was selected as internal standard.