This article illustrates how to write a Linux command-line utility, similar to standard commands such as cat, ls, pr, mv, and so on.
本文演示如何编写与cat、ls、pr 和mv等标准命令类似的Linux命令行实用程序。
The Media Control Interface (MCI) provides standard commands for playing multimedia devices and recording multimedia resource files.
媒体控制接口(MCI)提供了播放多媒体设备以及录制多 媒体资源文件的标准命令集合。
For the USB modules, because the USB standard commands and USB state are processed nearly fully automatically with hardware, system development is simple.
When running the commands, you send the output to a couple of log files, one for standard output and the other for standard error.
Many text processing commands (filters) can take input either from the standard input stream or from a file.
The limitation of completion in its standard form is that it is only able to complete files and paths (including commands) while you are entering them on the command line.
There are only a handful of commands, operators, and data types documented in the ANSI/ISO standard.
The code examples in this article are standard command-line scripts; basically commands that a system admin will use when manually performing the steps in the examples.
Many commands can accept input from a facility called standard input.
Many commands in DB2 V8.2 have their own CLP syntax and corresponding APIs; however, there is not a standard way to call DB2 commands through the SQL API.
DB 2V8.2中的许多命令都有它们自己的clp语法和相应的API;然而,没有一种通过SQLAPI调用DB 2命令的标准方法。
I also introduce the memcached client commands (nine of them in all) and show you how to use them for standard and advanced memcached operations.
Now that you have the unpacked values from the binary buffer that you read, you can use the standard print commands to get the output necessary.
The xargs command reads standard input and then builds and executes commands with the input as parameters.
Request the contents of Modbus registers on the device under test through standard Modbus commands.
The Internet is an international collection of computer networks` that all understand a standard system of addresses and commands, connected together through backbone systems.
Stdout is the standard output stream, which displays output from commands.
Sed loads lines from the input into the pattern space, applies sed editing commands to the contents of the pattern space, and then writes the pattern space to standard output.
Again, because DTJCB is integrated with Eclipse, you can use the standard Eclipse build commands.
For now, you can think of it as a way to run shell commands, as long as you remember that you'll only see standard output.
Stdin is the standard input stream, which provides input to commands.
Using standard UNIX commands found in the GNU textutils package
使用GNU 文本实用程序包提供的标准UNIX命令
Assuming you have a standard release tarball named release.tar.gz, you can create a local Git repository by issuing the following commands.
假设我们已经有了一个名为release. tar . gz的标准release tarball,可以执行下面的命令来创建一个本地的Git仓库。
With RHEL5 networking, you also have the standard UNIX commands you should already be accustomed to, such as route, the netstat commands, and other utilities like ping and traceroute.
对于 RHEL5网络,您还可以使用应该已经习惯了的标准UNIX命令,例如route、netstat 命令,以及诸如ping和 traceroute 等其他实用工具。
The plugin, called SQL Validator, allows you to validate the SQL commands you issue against the ISO SQL standard.
You can change the number of lines that these commands send to their standard output with the -n option (of course, your results will vary depending on the contents of your XF86Config file)
您可以通过使用 -n选项改变这些命令发送至其标准输出的行数(当然,输出结果将随 XF86Config文件的内容而不同)
You might notice that you didn't call the standard Ruby rails in the above commands, but rather jruby -S rails.
您可能注意到了,在上面的命令中并不是调用标准Rubyrails,而是jruby-S rails。
Sed takes a script of any number of commands followed by an optional input filespec; by default, it reads standard input.
Each of these commands spawns a child process to run the command or script you designate, and each captures the output of your command as it's written to standard output (stdout).
There are two standard UNIX commands that are often used to generate some textual output: cat and echo.
To continue with the standard format of commands and their options in AIX, lsgroup follows the same structure as lsuser.