USB has been a PC standard interface which can transfer data in high speed.
Returns the font object used for standard interface items in the specified size.
The main idea is distributed function loosely association and standard interface.
Each service is made available to the entire organization through a standard interface.
Provision of a provider facade to provide a standard interface for non-standard services.
The Workplace Forms Viewer standard interface includes the Viewer window, a title bar, and a toolbar.
WorkplaceFormsViewer 的标准界面包括 Viewer窗口、标题条和工具条。
In this article it is discussed how to design programmable switch with iec-625 standard interface.
本文讨论了如何设计具有IEC- 625标准接口的可程控开关器。
The purpose of data integration is providing a standard interface for visiting heterogeneous data sources.
This part is designed by standard interface which is prescribed by China Unicom and has good compatibility.
You can define your own Holder classes to support complex types by deriving from a standard interface called Holder.
您可以定义自己的Holder类以支持从名为 Holder 的标准接口派生出来的复杂类型。
Returns the font object used for standard interface items that are rendered in italic type in the specified size.
Focus on the run from the network, manageability point of view, taking into account the platform by adding standard interface.
First, check that the FTP server is running and that you have sufficient authority using a standard interface outside of the broker.
The meter is of high sensitivity, sampling speed, software function, and a standard interface with the computer communications.
The batch controller also has a standard interface of RS-485 bus, preferably achieved the network design of the batch control system.
PKI is a standard interface of network security, and it may provide unanimous and clear security ensurer for all kinds of applications.
Since the connection is made using a standard interface (JDBC in this case), applications do not need to worry about database implementation.
The FPGA-based implementation of data input module and data output module of VLBI standard interface is expatiated in this dissertation.
When a survey is finished, the instrument can duma the stored data into a portable persona computer by a build-in RS-232 standard interface.
当观测结束,仪器可通过RS- 232接口把存贮的数据倒给便携式个人计算机。
The hardware design is based on PC bus and standard interface, whose characteristics include flexible configuration, strong expansibility and etc.
Its design offers the following benefits: data is presented in a common and understandable format, common set of messages, and simple standard interface.
A design scheme of GP-IB standard interface for microwave program controlled signal source is proposed, and is realized in this microwave signal source.
提出了一个微波程控信号源的GP -IB标准接口的设计方案,并在微波信号源上得以具体实现。
USB is a new PC interconnection protocol and has many advantages, It is a tendency that USB replaces the RS232 as computer and peripheral standard interface.
USB作为一种新的PC机互连协议,因其诸多优点,有逐渐取代RS 232串口,成为计算机和外设标准接口之趋势。
As a standard interface of TS stream transmission, ASI features high speed, high accuracy and good reliability, thus it is widely used in broadcast TV systems.
A SI接口为TS流传输标准接口,具有传输速度快、准确度高、可靠性好等特点,被广泛应用在广播电视系统中。
According to different types of robot, a common standard interface was defined. And the interface implement was realized in the server and client respectively.
This improves application development time, reduces errors, and makes it possible to consolidate skills by allowing programmers to code in an industry standard interface.
Because of the inherent internationalism of VLBI, a new concept of VLBI standard interface is proposed in recent years, corresponding specifications are established soon.
Serial communication, communication both sides must use the same set of standard interface, so that different devices can be connected to communicate quickly and efficiently.
OPC is a software data interchange standard interface and specification, which has nothing to do with the manufacturer, and provides the advanced technology to solve this issue.
OPC is a software data interchange standard interface and specification, which has nothing to do with the manufacturer, and provides the advanced technology to solve this issue.