We are as capable as before of affording for everyone a high standard of life.
Measure the standard of life is to see whether it has a meaning, not to see how long it is. - Plutarch.
There were always rich and poor, and in some ways the gap between them increased in the Hellenistic world, although the average standard of life certainly rose.
As people's gradually raising standard of life, it has become a requirement working, studying, entertainment, shopping at home in people's fast-paced lifestyle.
This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowering the standard of life in the parts of the world that have the greatest populations.
Designer sportswear would have to be verified by a standard other than that of pure beauty; the emulation of a designer's life in designer sportswear was a crude version of this relationship.
When I said that my life is out of balance I meant that I do not have a standard balanced life.
However, I've found that there are certain principles that can be applied to any life, no matter what your religious beliefs or what your standard of living.
This is, you might think, a pretty standard, vaguely comic vignette of modern life - man harassed by self-inflicted technology.
Those with thriving industries have higher incomes, a better quality of life, and a higher standard of living than their less-robust peers.
However, holding up 100-thing minimalism as a platinum standard for minimalist practice excludes those of us who have different life circumstances and practice minimalism in different ways.
All my life I felt like I couldn't live up to the conventional standard of beauty, with its constantly changing rules and ever stricter weight requirements.
On October 26th it was announced that Barclays, another big bank, is to buy the mortgage-banking operations of Standard Life, an insurance company.
But when Jackson Pollock was featured on the cover of Life magazine with his free-spirited swirls, American modern art became the gold standard.
但当杰克逊·波洛克(Jackson Pollock)及其自由奔放的漩涡登上了《生活》杂志的封面之时,美国现代艺术最终成为了绝对标准。
By that standard, I’m approximately 27.7% of the way through my time on earth. Whatever it is I want to accomplish in life has to get done sometime within the next 31, 536, 000 hours – and counting.
If you check the standard life cycle of JSF, you will find that the user normally needs to produce an event on the Web page (by clicking a button, for example) to invoke the GUI refresh.
More than fifty years ago, at the New York World's Fair, the forecast for American life was something like this: "in the future, technology will bring a higher standard of living."
Male life expectancy dropped relative to the international top 10 average in 80 percent of counties, while female life expectancy dropped relative to the standard in 91 percent of counties.
He set such a high standard for the rest of us to live up to in life and in spirit.
When a patient like Domalewski comes under the care of DE Fina and Jonathan Fellus at the Kessler Institute in New Jersey, he doesn't get the standard "life-sustaining" drug treatments.
The mischief with us is that we have lost what we had, but have not the means of building up afresh on the European standard, with the result that our home-life has become joyless.
After they had been eating standard lab chow for 1 week, the mice again underwent a series of mild stress tests to mimic the ups and downs of everyday life.
Using background processes, Apple argues that even just a standard im client reduced the battery life by 80%, while the standby time of the phone only dropped by 23% with push notifications.
With its high standard of living safe cities sunny climate and outdoorsy citizens Australia also has the best quality of life among medium-size countries.
The life expectancy for black men ranged from 59.4 to 77.2 years, with 65 percent of counties lagging the international standard by more than 50 years.
The life expectancy for black men ranged from 59.4 to 77.2 years, with 65 percent of counties lagging the international standard by more than 50 years.