The Standard option will install all the components for the product you selected from the previous screen.
This series offers a wishbone arm as a standard option as well as an optional integrated lever that can be used to manually open or close the clamp.
But thanks to these dreaming sessions that we learn maybe there is a standard option of this that could be really great instead of just putting it as an additional marginal.
For the decreasing of the influence of stocks value, the price of Asian options is lower than the standard option, therefore it is more popular in the currency and the commodity markets.
If you have the option, use standard library functions to do byte-swapping operations, and standardize on the order in which bytes are stored in your data files; network byte order is the best.
This option is necessary for applications that expect to use standard HTTP ports 80 and 443.
对于需要使用标准HTTP端口 80和 443 的应用程序,该选项是必需的。
Instead, you have the option of using the standard SDO APIs defined in the specification to create instances of the data model to transfer data to other applications.
XML acceleration: the XML accelerator card that is offered as an option with the XI50 is standard on the XI50B.
XML加速:XML加速卡在XI50上作为一个可选项提供,但在XI50 b上是标准配置。
The [-t table] option allows you to use any table other than the standard table.
The very same extension option available to standard plug-ins is available to any other plug-in.
If you selected the option to add the model to the project properties, the model file is also displayed on the Naming Standard page in the properties view for the project.
If the -o option is not specified, then output goes to standard output (stdout), generally the screen.
This is almost what we want, except that it would rudely dump the user to a standard Apache 403 page, instead of giving the option to log in.
这几乎是我们想要的了,除了一点,它将会没理由地将用户定向到一个标准的Apache 403页面,而不是给出登录的选项。
Why db2auth is not a standard db2 authentication option?
db2auth为何不是标准的db 2身份验证选项?
The standard cp command is capable of copying entire directory trees if you use the -r command-line option to recurse into subdirectories.
Or you can hook your own language-specific code reformatter to the standard = command by setting the 'equalprg' option.
或者您可以设置'equalprg' 选项,将您特定语言的代码重新格式化程序连接到标准 =命令。
The standard Linux version of the umount command includes a lazy unmount option, -l, to help unmount file systems that are in use.
umount命令的标准Linux版本包含一个延迟卸载选项- l,它有助于卸载正在使用的文件系统。
Additionally, you have the option to add up to two standard Android widgets.
To enforce full compliance with a version of the standard, use the -pedantic option.
Because reports generated to standard output usually scroll past your screen, it's recommended that you use the -o option to write the output to a file (see Listing 2).
因为发送到标准输出的报告常常会在屏幕上一滚而过,所以建议使用- o选项将输出写到一个文件中(见清单2)。
To specify the actual standard that GCC uses, you can use the -std option from the command line.
可以在命令行上使用 -std选项指定GCC使用的实际标准。
Perl's -p option tells it to read and process each line from standard input and print the results to standard output.
You can change the number of lines that these commands send to their standard output with the -n option (of course, your results will vary depending on the contents of your XF86Config file)
您可以通过使用 -n选项改变这些命令发送至其标准输出的行数(当然,输出结果将随 XF86Config文件的内容而不同)
The fuser command provides a -v option that adds some output that is similar to the output of the standard ps command to the output of the fuser command, as shown in Listing 7.
fuser命令提供一个- v选项,它在fuser命令的输出中增加一些与标准ps命令相似的输出,见清单7。
If Microsoft wants OOXML to be taken seriously as a proposal for a document standard, only one option is on the table.
A more portable option is to use the standard defined style: double SQRT (double d1) throw ;.
一种更加具有可移植性的方法是,使用标准定义的风格:double sqrt (doubled1)throw ;。
While this is a steep cost for a standard hobbyist, the Hanebrink Electric Bike remains an option for urban commuters, off-road enthusiasts and field researchers alike.
While this is a steep cost for a standard hobbyist, the Hanebrink Electric Bike remains an option for urban commuters, off-road enthusiasts and field researchers alike.