Software lacks a measurable standard unit of work.
Our standard unit price to the wholesaler is23.
The test project contains a standard unit test, which you can delete.
The dollar is the standard unit of money in the United States of America.
In the last decade, Apple made the 99-cent download the standard unit of music sales.
A decibel is a standard unit of sound, and normal conversation is around 60 decibels.
Responsible for determining standard unit product costs, inventory valuation, pricing support and forecast support.
In the basis of parameter, we can get a special part which comes from corresponding parts, finally the designing of standard unit comes true.
ABSTRACT: a wine bottle is generally made of glass. The bottle has become a standard unit of volume to describe sales in the wine industry, measuring 750 millilitres.
The builders in engineering did not use a level of exterior wall thermal insulation material, and other similar but not to use a level standard unit will be shutdown a!
The standard gases we use are measured against this balance, and thus maintains international traceability since the balance USES si as the standard unit of measurement.
It occurs to many developers after authoring a few standard unit test functions that it would be better to move the call to verify from the test functions to the tearDown function.
Gearboxes shall be taken as the standard unit. To adjust bottom base by referring to horizontal subdivision section of gear box, box body processing datum plane or support of bottom base;
compressors 齿轮箱为基准机,进行底座调整时以齿轮箱水平剖分面、箱体机加工基准面或 底座支承为基准,同时兼顾压缩机和电动机侧水平仪。
We imported the German HOMAG professional equipment and form large scaled manufacture according to design of the standard unit products, the annual capacity of the kitchen cabinet reaches 6000 sets.
For it, the 47 millihenry inductor is a standard value unit.
Money provides a unit of account that serves as a standard to measure value.
In doing so, I have witnessed no more than limited success when the industry standard is used as the process for the company, line of business, department, program, or some other organizational unit.
You don't want a sharp operator manipulating the definition of shares in the cause of a deceitful report, so the standard XBRL taxonomy itself provides a definition of a unit of shares.
A source distribution is a standard way of packaging the source of your project as a distributable unit.
Projects establish their defined processes by tailoring the organization's set of standard processes according to tailoring guidelines to suit a particular project or organizational unit.
The other unit is the US Dollar, as defined in ISO 4217, the international standard describing three-letter currency codes (" USD "for the US Dollar).
另一个单位是美元,如iso 4217所定义,该国际标准描述了由三个字母组成的货币代码(“USD”代表美元)。
Each unit is built using standard OSB plates with thermal and acoustic insulation bound by a rigid steel frame.
Normally found in standard inertial reference systems, gyro-compassing enables the unit to establish precise heading within moments, without the use of a magnetic flux valve or magnetometer.
This framework extends the standard JUnit so that it can execute unit tests in an application server container.
One unit is 8g of alcohol, roughly equivalent to half a standard glass of wine, half a pint of beer or a pub measure of spirits.
The standard Create unit has special sensors for other events, such as when the unit bumps into a wall or object and when the unit is at the edge of a surface like a table.
They should provide support for standard version control systems such as Subversion (SVN) and the ability to auto-complete, document, debug, refactor, profile, and unit test all code.
它们应该提供对Subversion (SVN)这样的标准版本控制系统的支持,并支持自动完成、调试、重构、配置所有代码及其文档记录和单元测试。
Its standard silver/black unit weighs in at
Its standard silver/black unit weighs in at