The thing is that if we want to be standards-compliant, we cannot use this approach.
However, there are a lot of other things to consider besides being standards-compliant.
Mozilla XForms: Render your standards-compliant forms in Mozilla Firefox using this plugin.
MozillaXForms:使用这个插件在 MozillaFirefox 中呈现遵从标准的表单。
It also, of course, is happy to talk with standards-compliant browsers that support XMLHttpRequest .
Many applications, especially modern standards-compliant Web browsers, can deal directly with XML data.
Demonstrate the operation of a specific standards-compliant Web-based GUI effect for a user perspective.
Chrome is more standards-compliant than Internet Explorer has been, he adds, and that’s better for end users.
For example, SWFObject uses Adobe’s twice-cooked method, while UFO generates mostly standards-compliant markup.
比如说,SWFObject使用Adobe的两次烹调法,而UFO则生成了最标准的标 签。
SOA solutions are composed of reusable services, with well-defined, published and standards-compliant interfaces.
Testing has also begun for voice calls and SMS messages on commercial base stations with standards-compliant software.
The architecture also supports composite applications running across standards-compliant products from multiple vendors.
If you don't currently have one of these excellent, standards-compliant browsers installed, now's a good time to get one.
It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking fast must mean sloppy, and that clean, standards-compliant markup takes more time.
The XMLNSC parser in WebSphere Message Broker v6.1 addresses this shortcoming, and provides standards-compliant schema validation.
With these free tools at your command, you should be on your way to building fully functional, standards-compliant forms in no time.
And, one advantage of using the W3C Web standards is that standards-compliant browsers will show the pages fairly consistently anyway.
Accessible from anywhere — the code editor should work from anywhere, and from any device, using any modern standards-compliant browser.
They provide a framework to build industry-specific and standards-compliant SOA solutions. The key asset types of industry content packs are.
While other browsers have come and gone, Firefox is now the gold standard for what an open, secure, and standards-compliant browser should be.
Instead of having to learn a whole other non-standards-compliant add-on, you can simply rely on what standards bodies have been working towards.
XHTML might make your pages more standards-compliant, but its verbose use of tags (the mandatory and tags) means more code for the browser to download.
We recognize that the web is a diverse place, so web designers need a standards-compliant tool that supports as many publishing standards as possible.
For example, J2EE standards define how applications and services can be built to deploy to standards-compliant containers running in the application server.
This tool will allow you to examine the SOAP on-the-wire protocol and even check that the various competing SOAP implementations are standards-compliant.
Testing can be done via call processing or test mode control and provides industry's most accurate, repeatable standards-compliant RF and baseband measurements.
And because Apache Derby is a standards-compliant database, applications developed using it can be easily migrated to a more powerful database system as the situation warrants.
The feed service publishes a web feed (either Atom or RSS) of recent change events, suitable for parsing by any standards-compliant feed reader (Atom 1.0 or RSS 2.0, respectively).
Feed服务发布最近的更改事件的Web Feed(Atom或RSS),该 Web Feed适合于由任何与标准兼容的 Feed阅读器(分别为 Atom 1.0 或 RSS 2.0)进行分析。
With a standards-compliant office, productivity and groupware applications, as well as other useful tools, KDE helps you take control not only of your computer, but your life and work as well.
With a standards-compliant office, productivity and groupware applications, as well as other useful tools, KDE helps you take control not only of your computer, but your life and work as well.