There is the worry that an increase in the use of food crops such as maize, cassava and sorghum is likely to increase the food price of most staple foods in Africa, notably corn.
Maize is one of the world's four most important food crops and the staple of more than a quarter of a billion east Africans.
That newcomer, brown streak, is now ravaging cassava crops in a great swath around Lake Victoria, threatening millions of East Africans who grow the tuber as their staple food.
Although prices for staple crops have now stabilised, DfID is still predicting long-term problems in producing and procuring food for nearly 1 billion people.
Rice (Oryza saliva) is one of the most important grain crops in the world, about 40% of the world's population take it as their staple food.
Indeed, these crops represent a staple in the diet of populations worldwide, and innovation, in particular, will help fulfill increasing food needs.
One or two staple crops are the chief sources of food intake.
Rice is one of the world major food crops and more than 60% Chinese take it as their staple diet.
Rice is one of the world major food crops and more than 60% Chinese take it as their staple diet.