The key is that each Starbucks coffee house should remain “a third place”, between home and work, fulfilling the same rquotee as those Italian coffee houses that so inspired him 23 years ago.
(一家杂志称之为”呯“的一声落地,同时他们也称百事开发的 Mazagran软饮料也是一种失败).霍华德先生说,”我相信消费者给了我们通行照以做更多“,关键是每家星巴克咖啡屋要成为家庭与工作之间“第三空间”,要充满23年前给他灵感的意大利咖啡的那种气氛。
Coffee house chain Starbucks has started to offer strawless cups and paper straws instead of plastic straws in almost 1,000 stores in Shanghai and Shenzhen.
Starbucks has a scheme called CAFE through which the coffee-house chain encourages farmers to improve quality and supports social projects.
Starbucks coffee was founded in Seattle in 1971, which had become an international company and global coffee-house chain.
In the industry of retail coffee-house sales, Starbucks had more than 15,000 stores all over the world by 2007.
In the industry of retail coffee-house sales, Starbucks had more than 15,000 stores all over the world by 2007.