John Dunlosky, a professor in the US, suggests that "you start by reading a textbook with your favorite pens and colors, and then write down the important ideas on small cards while doing so you actually try to test yourselves on them."
Start Early, Finish Early – The gym, along with everything else you'd rather be doing, must wait.
早开始早完成— —健身房连同一切你喜欢做的事都必须放一放。
We start this year with new tools and strategies capable of doing the job twice as well as in the past.
Working with the young makes one feel young. When you stop doing that you start to feel old and behave it, too.
Instead of having a relaxing date with your partner you start nagging or nit-picking because you are just too tired of doing it all by yourself.
When you first start something (and also after you’ve been doing something for a while), it’s easy to lose touch with the core of what it is you’re doing.
When you first start something (and also after you've been doing something for a while), it's easy to lose touch with the core of what it is you're doing.
The other was at the race start, when I realized I was one of the few without a wetsuit and the only one doing the entire 1.9km swim (1.2 miles) with a breaststroke.
If you always write or eat with your left hand, start doing it with the other.
Start with questions like: What do I love doing?
One useful way of doing this is to start a reading group with friends.
Or, if your company is a start-up, do you have employees with prior experience doing this?
Pick a topic or idea - it doesn't matter which one - and start doing something with it.
Let's go into the third version of this and then start doing something with these constructs.
Start with the right vision and practices, and learn process by doing it.
Change doesn't start tomorrow, it starts with doing what you know is right today.
There is comfort and confidence to be found in doing your own thing, and with practice we can learn to ignore more the opinions of others and start to find our own way.
Real concern for the well-being of women of color would start with doing something about the maternal mortality rate, not feigning concern about their reasons for abortion.
However, if you start doing a few exercises with the smallest range of motion you will notice that soon you start feeling better and the pain goes away.
Unfortunately, the best way to kick-start romance is by following that tiresome marital advice about doing exciting, novel, slightly dangerous things with your spouse.
You might even consider doing a test run: with a lot of businesses, you can get a head start on things even while you're still gainfully employed.
You can continue what you are currently doing and try out something new, all at the same time. Just start off with little steps.
We have to discuss the topic we'd like to do with the professor, and then start doing the research, both in the library and in the lab.
So start doing something with your oil.
The code of this plug-in can help you understand some of those features, allowing you to start doing greater things with the new Lotus Notes client.
Once installed, read the service with the -vv command-line options so you can see what the server is doing once you start using it.
Start doing so by filling a selection with black on a new layer.
Start with getting clear and more importantly honest about what you really want to be doing.
So we're going to start with a mole of gas, V at some pressure, some volume, T temperature and some mole so V, doing it per mole, and we're going to do two paths here.
If you start to dislike yourself or what you're doing, you need to change just enough to stay on track, to stay true to yourself, and to stay in love with yourself.