The NSG was set up precisely to stop countries doing what India did to get a start in the bomb business: abusing technology and skills provided for civilian purposes.
Airlines in India are required to operate in the country for five years before being allowed to start flying internationally.
Enzi, another start-up, has just put students from India and Iran through Stanford University; they are paying investors up to 6% of their income for five years.
The American comes to with a start. In India, Milk in a bow1 means only one thing-bait for a snake.
Weddings are a huge industry in India, with an estimated 10 million taking place each year. It's not uncommon for Indian parents to start saving for their children's weddings decades in advance.
Weddings are a huge industry in India, with an estimated 10 million taking place each year. It's not uncommon for Indian parents to start saving for their children's weddings decades in advance.