There is simply too much stress with debt. Add that to the stress of starting a business venture and you have a recipe for disaster.
Disregard this "con" if: you already have experience and want to refine your skills with a formal business education before starting your own venture.
Signing a contract or starting a major business venture while Jupiter is retrograde is not advised, as profits will always be held down during the life of the endeavor.
A recent study found that 70% of workers wished their current job would help them with starting a business in the future, yet only 15% said they had what it takes to actually venture out on their own.
Professional venture capitalists get all the kudos—and most of the money—but the informal choir of business angels plays a large role in starting the innovation machine rolling.
专业的风险资本获得了所有(关于激励创业) 的荣誉——以及大多数的财富——但是在启动创意机器方面 非正规 的商业天使群体却扮演了重要角色。
Professional venture capitalists get all the kudos—and most of the money—but the informal choir of business angels plays a large role in starting the innovation machine rolling.
专业的风险资本获得了所有(关于激励创业) 的荣誉——以及大多数的财富——但是在启动创意机器方面 非正规 的商业天使群体却扮演了重要角色。