In this example, they simply print out a trace to show that the code is actually executed during server startup and shutdown.
Setup and tear down are handled automatically by the startup code linked in with the SPE program and by the library code running on the PPE; you can generally ignore them.
In addition, using AOT code from the cache helps reduce startup time.
JIT compilation removed the overhead of interpretation (at the expense of some additional startup cost), but the level of code optimization was mediocre for several reasons.
We weren't writing this code for our own amusement. We were a tiny startup, programming as hard as we could in order to put technical barriers between us and our competitors.
The code in this listing can be part of a SYSV startup script, or it can go in the rc.local file to be run once on boot.
清单中的这些代码可能是SYSV启动脚本的一部分,或者它可能位于启动时只运行一次的rc. local文件。
That means all the code associated with the Bank Portal will be delivered only during client startup time.
From your perspective, execution begins at a function called main ; some library startup code obtains the arguments passed in from the PPE and then calls your main function with those arguments.
Different application servers have different mechanisms to execute startup code (see Resources for more information).
You can try this out by simply having a WCF service and client project that consumes it in the same solution, set the client as the startup project, set a breakpoint in the service code and hit F5.
At startup, the on demand configuration code inside the secure proxy reads the static route file and builds the in-memory routing data.
The startup costs are higher, but you will quickly find that you save time when you encapsulate the XML code.
You can customize the startup and shutdown process by adding your own code to the init and destroy closures in the BootStrap.groovy file.
可以通过向BootStrap . groovy文件中的init和destroy闭包添加自己的代码来自定义启动和关闭进程。
Note that installing Samba from source code does not install a System V (SysV) or Upstart startup script, so Samba will not start automatically when you reboot the computer.
注意,通过源代码安装Samba不需要安装SystemV (SysV)或Upstart启动脚本,因此在您重启计算机时Samba不会自动启动。
In the startup code, wm geometry . =336x32+0+707 puts the desktop extension window at the bottom of a 1024 x 768 desktop.
在启动代码中,wm geometry. =336x32+0+707将桌面扩展窗口放置在 1024x 768 桌面的底部。
Design and development at ARM in the preparation of startup code is a very important process.
Listing 6 shows the complete code for the startup method.
Your application must explicitly load the library. For example, to load it at application startup, simply add the following to its source code.
At last, in the section of software design, startup code programming, operating system choosing and transplanting, task design, drivers design and interrupt service routine design had been discussed.
STARTUP. A51: This code is executed after processor reset.
You can configure the application to show a splash screen while the application startup code runs.
It won't automatically throw an exception on startup, unless your startup code includes such a call.
Although COM interop does not actually load the runtime (runtime startup code does), a COM application can target a specific version of the runtime.
As far as speed is concerned, you're working with machine code produced by an optimizing compiler. Execution is fast, but you might notice a startup delay as the support DLLs are loaded.
The key to design a well-behaved embedded system is to write the program Locator and runtime Startup Code.
Position independent executables (PIE) contain position independent code similar to the Shared libraries and therefore such executables get loaded at a randomly chosen address upon startup.
Position independent executables (PIE) contain position independent code similar to the Shared libraries and therefore such executables get loaded at a randomly chosen address upon startup.