The problem can be solved by using dynamic programming state-space relaxation.
The State-Space method is applied to compute the differential equation of the elastodynamics of mechanism.
Two solving methods are deduced using Laplace transform: the direct solving method and the state-space method.
The building of discrete state-space models including system noise provides a basis for the exact identification and effective control.
The main results are: (1) For a dual-rate sampled system, the design methods of predictive controller based on state-space model and input-output model are given respectively.
Firstly, the paper models the multivariable discrete state-space model of the air transmission unit by the lab method, using multi-dimensional inverse m series as input stimulus signal.
The Real-Time Inverted Pendulum is used as a benchmark, to test the validity and the performance of the software underlying the state-space controller algorithm, i. e. the used operating system.
One must understand that systems evolve from one point to another in this state space.
Hence, the problems first faced by the software community — dealing with the complexity of the state space — now face the system engineering and design community.
The state space may be thought of as a big vector space with each basis element spanning the possible states of one system element (say a memory register or the CAM Angle).
Creating a good partitioning of the software state space is a key goal of object design.
Cyclomatic complexity is a way to measure how tangled the paths are in the state space.
Coping with complexity led to structured languages such as Pascal and c, which created hierarchical structures of state variables that provided a useful partitioning of the state space.
The idea of using of model programs and state space exploration is a natural extension of finite state machine based techniques that fits well with black-box testing of software.
We don't want the server to have to track every single client as it moves through state space since there could be thousands (or even millions) of clients.
However, before we send this buffer, we need to make sure that it is parented off of some point in server state space.
Through analyze and express the whole power system with state space method, we assure the similarity of the system software simulated and real power system.
The development of the discrete state space models for computer control and operation optimization of reheat furnaces is presented in this paper.
But if you think about it, there's really no problem with the client tracking the server as it moves through state space, since there's never going to be any more than one (logical) server.
The dynamical property of this model is described by dual differential equations and it can find out several stable equilibrium points from any initial point in the state space.
The idea behind property checking is to search the entire state space for points that fail the property.
We develop a fringing state space model used in the continuous annealing furnace computer optimization control.
The state space structure of a system which can be block decoupled is obtained with the help of the coordinate transformation.
What makes property checking a success in industry are symbolic traversal algorithms that enumerate the state space implicitly.
The system is designed by using state space theory to realize zero error output adjustment.
The dark blue line shows the client's path through state space, while the gray line shows the server's.
Thus, diagrams like these let us visualize the application of operations in a literal "state space".
The paper study the principle of state point's movement in state space, and through the energy optimized control arithmetic, to reach the aim of energy optimized control.
The state space is typically modeled as a directed graph.
The state space is typically modeled as a directed graph.