But the top lawyer in Illinois, State Attorney General Lisa Madigan, says the governor may be rethinking his position.
State prosecutors, sometimes known as district attorneys, are commonly elected by each county and are not under the control of the state attorney general.
In Illinois, the state attorney general has accused the bank of marketing high-cost loans to blacks and Latinos while selling lower-cost loans to white borrowers.
New York State attorney general, after about 80 people, including the entire Gambino family hierarchy, were indicted for murder, racketeering and other crimes - the largest mob sweep in recent memory.
Under the bill's provisions, a panel made up of mental-health experts will evaluate each case. The state attorney-general will then determine whether to go to court.
She has never been a judge, but has served as governor and attorney general of the state of Arizona.
Andrew Cuomo, New York’s outgoing attorney-general and incoming state governor, thinks so, and has filed suit against Ernst & Young, Lehman’s auditors.
Prior to that, he served 6 years in the New York State Legislature as Assemblyman, and several years as Assistant Attorney General in the New York State Department of Law.
Secretary Napolitano, a former governor and attorney general in the southwestern border state of Arizona, says prosecuting drug criminals is a more effective strategy than building border walls.
Alabama's Attorney General Troy King said BP had inflicted catastrophic harm on the Gulf Coast state.
总检察官特洛伊-金(Troy King)表示,BP公司对墨西哥湾各州造成了灾难性的损害。
And area of Brooklyn public procurator say and have evidence materials to professor at this the explanations of clause the lawyers of attorney general state.
The attorney general of Northern Sonora state Abel Murrieta told a news conference that seven officials, all from the state's finance department, were being charged with negligent homicide.
Korte, an assistant attorney general for the state, hugged some of the victim's relatives immediately after the verdict.
Korte, an assistant attorney general for the state, hugged some of the victim's relatives immediately after the verdict.