This seems a less shameful state of ignorance than never having known it at all.
This seems a less shameful state of ignorance than never having known it at all.
This seems a less shameful state of ignorance than never having Imown it at all.
It is bad enough when a person devotes his life to the service of power when he does it in a state of intellectual ignorance.
The civilization is a concept which is opposite to barbarism, fatuity and ignorance. It symbolizes the progressive degree and civilized state of human society.
He knew that the true liberation from the attachment of ignorance and suffering could be attained only by reaching a state of absolute tranquility.
When such concentration is not accompanied by non-attachment, and ignorance therefore remains, the aspirant will reach the state of the disincarnate gods or become merged in the forces of Nature.
The enlightenment of education, by way of transmission of knowledge and moralization, upgrades a man of ignorance into a state of .
In the journey of life, the worst of circumstances is often not poverty, not bad luck, but the spirit and mood is in a state of exhaustion of ignorance without sleep.
196how had he attempted to remedy this state of comparative ignorance?
Next the temperature change possesses the notable influence not to allow the ignorance to the stress state of structure in revolving the course.
Remaining in a state of confusion (ignorance), we, unavoidably, subject ourselves to this and that misfortunes and undesirable conditions.
This section shows the main task of Writing Instruction and the current state of the ignorance to students'attitude in writing.
培养学生积极的写作态度是作文教学的重要任务。 但是,当前的作文教学存在着轻视写作态度这一突出问题。
When such concentration is not accompanied by non-attachment, and ignorance there fore remains, the aspirant will reach the state of the disicarnate gods or become merged in the forces of Nature.
It is very important to impose anchoring force in lots of engineering projects in China. However, it is in a state of complete ignorance of corrosion failure and antisepsis of anchor cables.
The enlightenment of education, by way of transmission of knowledge and moralization, upgrades a man of ignorance into a state of.
The enlightenment of education, by way of transmission of knowledge and moralization, upgrades a man of ignorance into a state of.