In China, however, the state comes into being with the origin of the state ownership of land.
Even now the law remains controversial because it codifies the individual's right to own land in a state that was founded on the principle of communal ownership.
In the history of the Qin State, the feudal system was based on the states or kings ownership of land, that is, the supreme land owner was the state while the king was its personification.
In addition, it is the state and collective ownership of land ill-defined problems.
Studying the documents on wooden tablets, unearthed in Niya Ruins, relating to agriculture, this paper reveals the land ownership of the serf system in the Jinjue State.
There are only two kinds of land ownership in our country-state ownership and collective ownership.
Land in Russia was slowly expanded with the military expansion and historically had formed the village ownership of the land, the landlord ownership of the land and the state ownership of the land.
The State ownership of surface and underground mineral resources shall not be not changed by reason of variance in the ownership or the right to the use of the land to which they are attached.
Urban housing Units, to be taken in the housing ownership and land use rights of state-owned collection process.
Housing ownership elements registered in the registration of state-owned land which was transferred for court compulsory transfer of registration of ownership of housing are discussed.
Housing ownership elements registered in the registration of state-owned land which was transferred for court compulsory transfer of registration of ownership of housing are discussed.