What's happening here is a stable "sustaining" phase in a product's lifecycle, managed in a waterfall state transition model with a flow.
From mathematical model of target tracking, Performance of target tracking is impacted by three main factors of object state transition model, filtering algorithm and object modeling technique.
A lifecycle model for governed metadata USES a business state machine to describe the lifecycle states and the transition between them.
We used a state-transition diagrams for this model, where the states represent the milestones, and the transitions represent events that cause changes in that state.
State Transition Diagrams are optionally used to model critical real-time responses to complex events requiring special treatment.
The imaginary vibration model of transition state is studied chiefly, and points to reactant and product, and illuminates that stationary points locate the right reaction channel.
This essay has dicused about the physical model of the potential energy surface of the transition state theory in relation detail.
Based on the theory of stochastic service system, this paper discusses state transition of logic ring stochastic model with priority queues.
CDCPM describes the feature space of model by center distance normal distribution (CDN), and simplifies and improves the HMM efficiently by getting rid of the state transition probability matrix a.
CDCPM用中心距离正态(CDN)分布描述模型特征空间,去掉了H MM的状态转移概率矩阵a,对HMM进行了简化和改进。
Serial transmission protocal of 3-wire model with tolerable error ability, the method of transition to save electricity state and time control output realization is also described.
A mathematical model of a hybrid-switched system has been built up by a two dimensional ergodic Markov process with the state-transition-rates diagram.
A finite automaton (FA) was used to build up the shallow water ray tracing model, and the model state, transition, event and action were analyzed.
We will use the relevant hydrodynamics model and the state equations at finite densities to investigate the QGP phase transition in the zero temperature and finite density.
本文采用相对论流体力学模型和有限密度下的状态方程,考察在另一种情形,即在零温有限密度下q GP相变的演化图像,并对结果进行了分析和讨论。
Transition three-level model channel analysis showed that three-level dipole coupled with enhanced not only with the B exciton transition state, but also closely related with the CT state.
In order to describe the process of multi action commitments and uncommitments, the concept of transition between model state pairs in action dynamic logic was introduced.
通过引入动态逻辑中模型状态迁移概念以及相关谓词来描述多动作承诺与取消承诺时各模型状态变化及相应处理 。
A model termed probabilistic configuration transition systems was proposed, which are composed of a pair of a PKAT expression and a data-state.
A model termed probabilistic configuration transition systems was proposed, which are composed of a pair of a PKAT expression and a data-state.