In a statement, the group said it had accessed details of a million customer accounts, including email addresses and dates of birth.
For example, the need for an online bank to support the transfer of funds between accounts is likely far more important than an Elbonian-language version of a monthly bank statement.
Last week we talked about the Profit and Loss statement which is a report of the revenue and expense accounts.
General Ledger The formal listing of journal accounts in a business used for financial statement preparation and tax filing.
These accounts come with a number of baked-in costs, including gateway fees, statement fees, monthly minimum fees and transaction fees, totaling between $25 to $35 per monthdepending on who you use.
A financial statement that shows all the assets, liabilities, and operating accounts of a parent company and its subsidiaries.
A cash flow statement covers a period of time and accounts for the increase or decrease in a company's cash by showing where the company got cash and the USES it made of cash during the period.
A cash flow statement covers a period of time and accounts for the increase or decrease in a company's cash by showing where the company got cash and the USES it made of cash during the period.