Of particular interest under static loading was the influence of FRP reinforcement on the strength and stiffness of beam-column connection.
The static measurement includes weight, center of gravity, static lead lag, bending stiffness and torsion stiffness.
The static strength and stiffness of the framework of motor-reversing type pumping unit is analyzed by the finite element method.
The geometric and static constraint conditions on contact surfaces are treated as additional conditions and are included in stiffness equations.
Wind Loads nonlinear static instability theory, derived for calculating the nonlinear stiffness matrix, and the development of long-span Bridges in the nonlinear static.
Formulas for the flow rate, the static eccentricity, the static oil film stiffness and the dynamic magnification factor are given.
In the static analysis, study mainly focused on the static stiffness and in obtaining the static stiffness distribution of the whole work piece table.
Because of the adoption of FEM, the proposed method to calculate the static stiffness of groundsill is suited and accurate more than the approximate method.
During the new style racing car's design, it is an important task to analyze the reasonableness of the racing car's frame structure and calculate its static strength and stiffness.
Based on the pile-soil system computation model, this paper focuses the relationship between the ultimate bearing capacity and the stiffness for a single pile under the vertical static load.
Built the static mathematical models for the hydraulic circuit mentioned above. Analysis the characteristics of speed-load, speed characteristics and the static stiffness for the circuits.
It presented the whole design method of the static stiffness testing system. The main software and hardware of the system were illustrated and developed.
By studying the influence of some of the main components, the influence factors of the modal and static stiffness in the body structure design are found.
Finally a model between asphalt mixture creep stiffness and temperature was build to simulate the test results of static creep tests.
For system of single freedom-degree, the relationship of its static stiffness and square of natural frequency is direct ratio.
Conclusions: Under static and cyclic bending conditions, stiffness in group 2 was significantly lower than that in group 1.
Dynamics model of typical serial and parallel mechanisms were presented, which could be used to analyzed the static and dynamic stiffness.
And the reduced linear elastic stiffness matrix is formulated for the macro-element of planar beam attached with springs at both ends through static reduced technique.
The results show that the stiffness is dependent not only on the pressure and volume at static balance, but also on the change rates of efficient area and volume.
The first order critical speed and static stiffness of the spindle increases greatly after optimization.
Valve gear is regarded as stiffness in the traditional design and its elastic deformation in motion is neglected. This method is called static design.
Porous material can supply millions of micro-hole regarded as countless throttle, therefore porous aerostatic bearings have high load capacity and static stiffness.
The experiment results show that the initial requirements for the control performance is satisfied because of the good controlling accuracy and static stiffness of the magnetic bearings.
Results of the experiment show that hydrostatic gas-lubricated bearing with self controlled cone slot restrictor possesses of very high static stiffness and satisfactory stability in certain range.
The stiffness and stress distribution of the micro-feeding system are obtained through static analysis.
Optical elements are processed, tested and aligned undergravity load case, they works under the microgravity environment, the supportstructure must have large static stiffness.
This paper deals with the application of laser holography in the research on the contact state and the static and dynamic stiffness of mechanical joints.
It includes reliability design of wear resistance, stability, static stiffness and strength.
It includes reliability design of wear resistance, stability, static stiffness and strength.