The data were managed by statical method.
The statical stresses of the C-arm are measured that the C-arms working places through experiment.
Statical analysis with finite element method is performed to pressurized pressure vessel of titanium alloys.
In this paper, the statical stresses of the C-arm is studied through using ANSYS software by FEM and experiment.
And the USES of results of statical and dynamical tests in damage detection during the service period of the bridge we...
The experimental data on statical and dynamical stresses and displacement of the frame of fork Lift truck ZD_(11) are presented.
Meanwhile, we find the dynamical stress intensity factor is bigger than the statical stress intensity factor under the same conditions.
Load-adaptive strategies may have an important effect on the flow rate and result in a better system behaviour than statical strategies.
Based on the practical data and with the aid of the dynamical and statical methods, the marketing price of coal reserves has been calculated.
In this paper, the stochastic theory and the relative knowledge of probability statistics are applied to the statical strength reliability analysis.
After a reservoir was filled with water, the effect on statical deformation in the rock medium of it's foundation is caused by the load of water mass.
It is proposed that according to statical cone penetration test, standard penetration test and borehole test, the reinforcement effect can be controlled and examined.
Based on the conclusions of statical analysis, the discussion on the stability of helical equilibrium of the rod under axial compression was continued in the category of dynamics.
By means of digital signal processing technique and model test, the properties of both dynamical transfer function and statical transfer function are analysed under varying conditions.
There are two ways of economic evaluation-dynamical and statical. Taking the time effect of money into consideration, the dynamical method conforms more to the objective laws of economy.
The kinematic and static determinations of Assur's links group have been analysed. It has been also demonstrated that the member of statical indeterminate is equal to its common constraint.
Suspension bridge is a type of flexible structure with high degree of statical indeterminacy and composite by different components (main cable, suspender cable and pylon) with different stiffness.
A method named CASE method is presented for determining the statical axial bearing capacity of piles from dynamic measurements of force and acceleration performed under the impact of a large hammer.
At last, by using the hybrid simulation system, some algorithms of star map identification and performance of star sensor could be effectively verified by dynamical and statical test in this platform.
At last, by using the hybrid simulation system, some algorithms of star map identification and performance of star sensor could be effectively verified by dynamical and statical test in this platform.