The method can be used in any laboratory in salt industry for data calculations, storage, inquiry, statistic analysis and the quality control of edible salt.
When analyzing the quality and reliability of electronic parts, the statistic distribution of the testing data should be known.
Another important feature of the equipments is the checking standard function, which can implement supervision and control based on statistic theory to the quality of verification data.
States that using relative statistic technology to carry out data analysis is the important means to successively improve and perfect quality system and enhance market competition.
Responsible for the quality management, deal with complain of customer; quality Improvements and inspection standard document; data Statistic and analyses.
The quality of statistic data is the statistic's life, but the weakening of quality of statistic data has been a big problem for people to solve.
The number of the suppliers is great, there are 6000 die casting companies around in China per latest statistic data while the quality of service is different.
The system also had the functions of data-base management, data statistic and query on WEB, product quality trace and etc, which was greatly improved the quality control of product line.
The main factors that affect the quality of organize coating for heat exchanger were analyzed through statistic data by causal analysis.
The main factors that affect the quality of organize coating for heat exchanger were analyzed through statistic data by causal analysis.