By using the documents and material method, statistical data processing and comparative analysis, we conduct the analysis research to the process of training overseas high level young athletes.
Video statistical methods used for data obtained on the SPSS13.0 processing analysis and conduct summarized.
The system can be adopted to facilitate the inquiry , Statistical data , and Automatic Processing and calculation of inventory cushion.
A statistical regressive mathematical model for processing the measured data of lossless network is presented.
This paper introduces the data processing of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of brain based on statistical parametric mapping (SPM).
Statistical activities at FAO include the development and implementation of methodologies and standards for data collection, validation, processing and analysis.
Results: SPSS13.0 was used by the data processing, statistical methods using analysis of variance.
BI applications include the activities of decision support systems, query and reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP), statistical analysis, forecasting, and data mining.
Recently, the statistical methods of seismic wavelet estimation achieved comprehensive application in real seismic data processing.
When the data are statistical consistency, they can be easy processed with statistical method, but when the systematic error exists, the processing is quite difficult.
Normalized data processing and statistical techniques are used in the system to mine the properties, flavors, channel from traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions.
Using SPSS13.0 data statistical software for processing, we can see that the overall reliability of the questionnaire as 0.821, the data obtained is very high credibility.
The processing unit (24) determines statistical properties of the collected line level data.
In data processing, some standard research methods, such as regression analysis, correlation analysis, variance analysis, and other statistical methods are employed.
Skills you will acquire in this degree program include research design, statistical analysis and interpretation, and the use of data-processing software.
Registering the general situation of maternal and physiological state of traditional Chinese medicine and so on. Application of data processing systems SPSS 18.0 statistical analysis of data.
登记产妇一般情况及中医生理状态等,并应用SPSS 18.0数据处理系统对数据进行统计分析。
This paper presents the statistical data of the 1991-1995 laser market in China with analysis and criticism. Especially the applications of laser processing and laser medicine.
This approach, unlike the conventional statistical techniques requiring for a covariance matrix of sample, is based on direct spatial processing of the array data.
For the data catching and processing in improved statistical process quality control, a real-time database (RTDB) has been worked out to catching and processing the statistical data.
Having introduced the data returns put, data pre-processing and data statistical analysis, spectrum analysis and power spectrum analysis.
To this end, it is necessary to collect maintenance management data for statistical processing.
Data processing and statistical analysis using SPSS13.0 statistical analysis package, the measurement data used variance test, counting card information using the test.
Global optimum solution may be obtained by making interactive iteration and statistical analysis of a great deal of data. Real processing results indicate that the meth...
The block design is introduced, and based on these methods, the fMRI data processing is detailed analyzed, the data pre-processing and statistical methods are introduced.
The block design is introduced, and based on these methods, the fMRI data processing is detailed analyzed, the data pre-processing and statistical methods are introduced.