She is the one who stay up all the night in the hospital.
There is no doubt that the hottest topic is the World Cup now, the men are so excited about the big game, they stay up all the night just in case of missing very single excellent moment.
He put some in his nose more or less out of curiosity, felt nothing, but was then astounded to find that he wanted to stay up all night writing music, and was still lively the next day.
Move work into earlier hours in the morning. This will put less pressure on you to stay up all night to finish.
The ministry said state broadcaster CCTV's annual Spring Festival Gala is too noisy for the eve, when family members should get together and stay up quietly all night.
教育部称央视春晚太闹不适合年三十,年三十应该是家人团聚、安静守岁的时刻。 教育部举办的春晚将"主打文化内涵"。
During my internship, I was chronically sleep-deprived because I had to be at the hospital and stay up all night every third night.
Or if I stay up all night or I want to take a bath in the pond or what ever, who are you to tell me what to do?
By the time I got to Manhattan, it was after midnight, so I decided to stay up all night to catch an early-morning flight.
I'm behind in my work. I will have to stay up all night to meet the deadline.
It's alleged that Jobs asked engineers on the original iPod team to stay up all night fiddling with the headphone jack so that it made a more satisfying clicking sound.
But we will also introduce towards the end of this semester in an effort to really make it okay to stay up all night, will be the first ever CS50 hack-a-thon.
Shou Sui, that is, the last day of the old do not sleep at night, stay up all night to greet the new year's arrival of the customs, also known as New Year's Eve Shou Sui, the common name "boil years."
I will probably stay up most of the night and watch all the activities.
The fear I refer to is the type that causes us to stay awake at night conjuring up all the terrible things that could happen because of the unsolved problems we're facing.
Now young people stay up all night, carnival is no longer strange things, for the skin, we want to.
Many families stay up very late, some even stay up all night, playing CARDS, laughing, chatting, or telling stories to the children.
Others like to get in a flow and stay up all night before the paper is due.
To avoid too much mental grim, stay up all night, smoking, high fat diet, can prevent the occurrence or expansion of a partial alopecia.
For example, teenagers want to stay out till all hours of the night, but when it comes to getting up in the morning in time for classes, it's a different story.
The day you stay up all night?
We can't get the work even if we stay up all night.
During the World Cup people stay up all night to watch the games via satellite transmission.
Professor Yoshinori Masuo, who led the study in Tsukuba, Japan, said that when people drink coffee to stay up all night.
She stay up all night write the paper with a pot of coffee at her elbow.
She stay up all night write the paper with a pot of coffee at her elbow.