What belongs to winter, stays in winter.
Ask someone for directions in the metro, part of the vast Underground City that stays toasty during the winter, and you may end up making drinks plans later.
He lives in a communal dorm with other workers. The thin metal walls means it is freezing during the winter nights, but he stays awake late, writing his diary.
Sure, it stays light later in the summer and gets dark earlier in the winter.
His aunt stays with a lady friend in Florida during the winter.
In late winter, while his mate stays on the nest with their clutch of two or three eggs, the male heads off to find food for both of them, carrying rats, mice, and squirrels back to the nest.
Born in the spring, it stays close to its mother, who teaches it what to eat and how to stay warm during the cold winter months.
Born in the spring, it stays close to its mother, who teaches it what to eat and how to stay warm during the cold winter months.