Chances are the stealth bomber would be in the first wave of attack.
The bomber is the nation's largest payload, longest range stealth bomber.
Photos and videos of the new stealth bomber were published on the Internet.
Or if you shoot down the stealth bomber you will also earn this trophy.
The B-2 bomber, commonly known as the stealth bomber, was an ambitious project, to say the least.
From a distance, some stealth bomber technology could have been easily taken for UFOs by curiosity seekers.
远距离观察,那些隐形战机很容易被好奇的探索者误认为是U FO。
Taranis is about the size of a small jet trainer, but with the look of a stealth bomber to make it hard to detect on radar.
It has odd angles (reminiscent of a stealth bomber) to reduce its radar cross-section, and was coated in radar-absorbing material.
One MP out here with me at the UK-China Forum for the Future branded it "a cross between a stealth bomber and a disused skate park".
The B-2 Spirit stealth bomber is one of the most survivable aircraft in the world. It remains the only long-range, large-payload aircraft that can penetrate deeply into protected airspace.
B - 2幽灵隐形轰炸机是世界上生存能力最强的飞机之一,也是唯一能深度突防的远程重型飞机。
Grumman Corp. (NGC) boasts on its Web site the B-2 spirit stealth bomber is nearly invisible. Because the plane's composite materials and bat-shaped design make it hard for radar to pick up.
诺思罗普·格鲁曼公司在自己的网站上吹嘘说,“精灵”b - 2隐形轰炸机几乎是看不见的,因为该机的复合材料和蝙蝠形状的设计使其难以被雷达发现。
Redeemed by such a critical choice, they'll soar like a glider, race like a Stealth, and, when overflying a barnyard or kennel, turn into a wicked-awesome dive bomber.
The wreckage in Abbottabad appeared to have exotic coatings and distinct surfaces and edges reminiscent of stealth aircraft such as the B-2 bomber and the F-22 fighter, aviation experts say.
Chinese J-20 is a type of new multirole strike stealth fighter jet that was designed to counter American F-22, not a type of bomber.
中国的J - 20是一款新式的、多用途的、攻击型隐形喷气式战斗机。这款战斗机就是设计用来对抗美国F - 22的,而不是一款轰炸机。
Meanwhile, another " black" (secret) project, the B-2 bomber, was also built using stealth technology.
Meanwhile, another " black" (secret) project, the B-2 bomber, was also built using stealth technology.