In the steam condensate oil to the nozzle or sharp curve place, oil steam issue is very outstanding.
Because of the dual-orifice design, there is a preset controlled pressure differential for the secondary steam system, while maximum pressure differential is available to discharge the condensate.
This steam is then collected for use in other heat exchangers or discharged to the condensate return line.
The recovery and utilization of steam condensate, filter pressing water, exhaust tap water and mother liquor from PVC production are introduced.
When " holding " ( during normal operation ), non condensable, which are coming from air ingress and oxygen content in steam and condensate, must also be extracted normally by main ejectors.
当「建立真空」 (正常操作下)时,空气入口处的不可凝结物和蒸汽中的氧含量以及凝结水必须由主抽汽器排出。
The existing steam condensate recovery facilities of Luoyang Petrochemical Complex can not be operated effectively because of the defects of equipment and management etc.
Organic content in the resulting steam condensate would be too dilute to justify recovery.
The old steam condensate water recovery facility can't work properly because of the defects in equipment and management.
Installation and compensation of steam pipeline, vent and condensate drain-off of steam system, recovery of condensate are discussed.
Inverted bucket steam trap opening and closing action is based on the difference in density of the condensate and steam to its accurate and reliable.
Back steam into the turbine and drain condensate from the casing.
As the use of new steam condensate technique, the heat energy of the steam was used more reasonable and the amount of the steam condensate was reduced obviously.
The condensate passage is arranged around the steam passage and connected with the condensing zone and the evaporator.
The operation and application and damages of the rubber lining of the steam condensate refining drum were analyzed. The experience in rubber lining restoration and replacement were summarized.
SED recovery column reboiler temperature flow cascade control for steam condensate return.
Steam condensate was produced by steam exchanging heat during oil refining.
The paper introduce control scheme for paper machine steam and condensate my company.
This requirement incorporates design aspects associated with heat transfer, steam supply, and air and condensate removal.
Import import trap or trap is known for the steam pipe network and devices, can automatically discharge condensate, air and other non-condensing gas, and blocking water vapor leak valve.
Non-piston steam displacement model was established based on steam channeling performance and steam condensate for steam stimulation wells.
It can quickly exclude the condensate, to effectively prevent the leakage of steam.
Through the cost analysis, emphasis condensate water recovery system in steam can save energy, make the great economy value.
Therefore, the condensate controller automatically vents the bypass or secondary steam .
Oil mist catcher condensate filter and automatic drain pump are set. Oil removed by steam during frying can be recycled to reduce oil consumption and pollution to environment.
The steam trap is a valve that releases condensate water in steam pipe network system.
The steam condensate water recovery and reutilization in refinery are the scientific research task submitted by SINOPEC scientific development depart.
The ELF Coalescer is a simple, virtually maintenance-free system for separating oil from steam condensate.
There were mainly shortcomings of condensate drainers on gas pipes due to using thermal insulation by steam.
There were mainly shortcomings of condensate drainers on gas pipes due to using thermal insulation by steam.