The character made his debut in the film Steamboat Willie in 1928.
Over 80 years ago, he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie.
He was the first animator to add sound to his movie cartoons with the premiere of Steamboat Willie in 1928.
Though understandably disappointed, Disney went on to produce more Mickey cartoons, finally finding success with Steamboat Willie.
Thus, Mickey Mouse made his screen debut in Steamboat Willie, the world's first synchronized sound cartoon featuring Disney as the voice of the Mouse.
More than 80 years after he first appeared in Steamboat Willie, Disney's Mickey Mouse is poised to make his return as the lead character in a computer game.
The first Disney film to find a distributor and feature a soundtrack was Steamboat Willie, which introduced Mickey to the world on 18 November 1928 –now celebrated as his birthday.
The first Disney film to find a distributor and feature a soundtrack was Steamboat Willie, which introduced Mickey to the world on 18 November 1928 –now celebrated as his birthday.