'New Born', the installation will announce when it is finally lifted into place, in seven steel letters 6ft tall, painted in multiple colours, to be set up not far from Pristina's Grand Hotel.
The new volume is conceived as a light, white box in glass and steel, floating above the existing building, which was painted black to emphasize the contrast.
Taking inspiration from local materials and techniques, rammed earth and painted steel would be used for the majority of the construction.
All non-check fixture AL details surface should be painted medium blue and steel details surface should be treated for rust prevention.
所有非检测用铝件表面应漆成适中的蓝色。 易生锈的钢制零件应进行表面防锈处理。
The screen can be as simple as a wall that is painted white, or it can be a complex steel truss structure with a complex finish.
Exterior materials come from a single palette that responds to its context: glass, terra-cotta, painted clapboard, concrete, steel, copper, and granite.
How about the massive and lovely 4, 200-foot orange-painted steel suspension bridge known as the Golden Gate Bridge?
It is built entirely out of steel and clad in strategic locations with a woven and painted textile developed especially for the project.
The Chinese iron ore and steel industry has painted a gloomy outlook for the sector with officials revealing that roughly 40 per cent of the country's iron mines have shut down because of low prices.
The support structure to hold the sign up was custom fabricated from steel tubing and painted to match the dark trim of the building.
The project's materials are a juxtaposition between the economical brickwork, 'bagged' and painted white, and the dark steel and battened timber elements that link them.
The battery system shall consist of lead acid batteries cabinet charger and invertor fabricated of painted carbon steel located off the main skid in a customer provided safe area.
Applied on wood, Steel panel, iron panel and any painted metallic surface.
The internal background was mainly grey color of cement, white painted brick wall, accented by small amount of black painted steel details and dark brown red laminated wood furniture.
The buildings have a structural frame made of galvanized steel and are clad in corrugated sheet metal painted black.
Other exposed steel and concrete volumes mark areas of new intervention, contrasting against the white-painted, rough-plastered original structure.
Steel panel, iron panel and any painted metallic panel: such as bus, commercial vehicles.
Steel panel, iron panel, glass fiber, wooden material and any painted metallic surface.
The SkunkLock is made out of hardened medium-carbon steel that exceeds 450 brinell, and is painted in black and white stripes reminiscent of a skunk.
My structure is well rigid; the steel is treated by an anti-corrosion layer of primer, and then painted.
The architects designed and fabricated key pieces of decor, including blackened-steel light fixtures and a dining enclosure made of blue-painted cypress.
Their largest intervention was to add terraced seating made from white-painted steel to one side of the pitched roof, offering scenic views of rows of grape vines.
Located in Tochigi Prefecture, House in Utsunomiya is covered in clad in strips of white-painted Galvalume - a coated steel sheeting - and lined in Japanese cedar wood.
The architects added a timber batten-clad box and a steel dormer window to the rear elevation to provide extra space, and painted both structures to match the original structure's white brickwork.
The frame number marks, made of steel plate shall be welded and painted on the hatch coaming and bulwark at the place of every 10 frame-space and at every bulkhead.
The freeboard marks are made of the steel plate, welded and painted on both sides of the ship.
A. Surface of Stainless steel and high alloy steels; Not painted.
The majority of the extension is of a plain wooden construction, with some steel structure and painted wooden siding.
The majority of the extension is of a plain wooden construction, with some steel structure and painted wooden siding.