Stem cell research is supported by many doctors.
Recently, the UK National Stem Cell Network warned the UK could lose its place among the world leaders in stem cell research unless adequate funding and legislation could be assured.
Advocates increased stem cell research.
Half of Europe is opposed to embryonic stem cell research.
If Tanaka's findings hold, they suggest a relatively new avenue for stem cell research.
Some researchers hope to use embryonic stem cell research to grow tissue and organs.
Supports federal funding for embryonic stem cell research on embryos that would otherwise be discarded.
Reeve did not live long enough to see whether stem cell research could help restore movement to the paralyzed.
It is because of Reeve that spinal cord injuries and stem cell research are so widely discussed, according to Smith.
Mr. Stoddart said he would be surprised if the judge’s ruling led to a complete ban on embryonic stem cell research.
And the availability of IPS cells neither obviates the need for embryonic stem cell research nor replaces human subjects.
We need to invest in biomedical research and stem cell research, so that we’re at the leading edge of prevention and treatment.
The stem cell research Enhancement Act, which amends the Public Health Service Act to provide for human embryonic stem cell research.
干细胞研究促进法案(Stem Cell Research EnhancementAct)该法案修正了公共保健服务法(Public HealthService Act)以向人类胚胎干细胞研究提供经费。
Although stem cell research is controversial, but Goldstein said that using stem cells has enabled him to look at the behavior of human brain cells.
The court ruled in favor of a suit filed in June by researchers who said human embryonic stem cell research involves the destruction of human embryos.
To create products such as stem cell research devices and solar cells, Shrink Nanotechnologies has developed a new material that trumps the toy's abilities.
Stem cell research is considered promising, although far from producing results, and other studies involve a light-responding protein and retinal transplants.
On top of that, I've also reversed the ban on stem cell research, signed an expansion -- (applause) -- signed an expansion of the children's health insurance.
“We do not want to see stem cell research that would destroy embryos, ” Mr. Stoddart said. “Embryos are preborn human life that should be protected and not destroyed.
But liberal readers were significantly less likely to be impacted by the corrective information - they stuck to their belief that Bush had banned all stem cell research.
Embryonic stem cell research is controversial because human embryos are destroyed in order to obtain the cells capable of developing into almost every tissue of the body.
In some areas, such as genes, software and stem-cell research, the question of what qualifies for protection is controversial.
In some areas, such as genes, software and stem-cell research, the question of what qualifies for protection is controversial.