IE10 Platform Preview 1, available for download today is the first step in delivering the next wave of progress in native HTML5 support.
So, that's probability density, but in terms of thinking about it in terms of actual solutions to the wave function, let's take a little bit of a step back here.
The Pope's pronouncement on abuse at Irish dioceses and seminaries was the most concrete step taken since a wave of cases hit Ireland, Germany, Austria and the Netherlands.
I step away softly, just as I creep here quietly I wave gently, sighing goodbye to the western sky.
Using step surface data for wave equation simulation of seismic data can produce serious interference at corner points of steps and further affect the results of numeric simulation.
I believe the new wave of positional VR hardware is another huge step forward, and it will take years before we know collectively how to use it in the best way.
And the solar short wave radiation, net long wave radiation and ocean heat flux are all used with a daily mean for every time step based on the sea ice mid-short range variation characteristics.
The first step in Elliott wave analysis is identifying patterns in market prices.
The equivalent step planar wave guide method is proposed to study the propagation properties and design of diffused planar wave guide.
The edge-layer theory is applied to study the refection and transmission of the weakly nonlinear internal wave over a step in a two-layer fluid system.
Step wave is better in TDR than pulse wave.
However, by this time, research of dynamic action by wave and dynamic stability of seawall is still on initial step.
Looked up to me to see a perfect wave. So I move perfect, big step down!
The fast two-step method of radio wave refraction correction is proposed in this paper. The simulation demonstrates the method meets the requirement of accuracy and speed in project entirely.
如何在确保实时计算速度基础上 ,又能提高其处理精度 ,正是文章构造出的快速折射修正二步方法所解决的课题。
Finally, this paper pointed out this algorithm's shortages, and gave a prospect of the next step research of genetic algorithms for the wave impedances mixed inversion.
Velocity analysis of converted wave is a very important step in multi-wave seismic data processing.
In this paper, it exploit the method based on common ground point fold step by step to strike a more accurate conversion of wave static correction by iteration.
The result of polarization resistance of square wave, galvanic step and potential scan are according to the result of the electrochemical impedance spectrum.
We put the two main engineering machine loading which are sinusoidal wave load and step load, and the results indicate that the dynamic responds are satisfied for the needs of the experiments.
The velocity of the wave movement is adjustable and the movement can be shown step by step.
It should be noted that this work is the first step of wave-body coupling between internal solitary wave and submerged body in numerical simulation field.
The stability and wave overtopping rate of 3 kinds of revetments (sloping, big step and cylindrical structure types) are studied by using sectional model test.
This paper discussed a method analyzing the two-step rainbow hologram. Based on the diffraction theorem of light wave, the imaging formulas of object image and slit image were derived in detail.
Further along, the influence of harmonic wave of magnetic conductivity of air gap and saturation of motor on wave pattern of wind electric current of micro-step driving was analyzed.
Through selecting floated datum level and using feasible multi-step static correction combination, the static correction problem of long and short wave field was basically solved.
Through selecting floated datum level and using feasible multi-step static correction combination, the static correction problem of long and short wave field was basically solved.