Stephen Wolfram is a distinguished scientist, inventor, author, and business leader.
Wolfram|Alpha创始人斯蒂芬·沃尔夫拉姆简介Stephen Wolfram是一位杰出的科学家,发明家,作家,商业巨头。
In a moving tributehis friend Stephen Wolfram recalls seeing this side of Jobs for the first time.
在他的好友斯蒂芬沃尔夫勒姆(Stephen Wolfram)一篇感人的追悼辞中提到第一次认识这一面的乔布斯。
In a blog post on Friday, Wolfram founder Stephen Wolfram admitted that linguistic problems are to blame for half of the occasions when Wolfram Alpha does not return a result.
在一篇星期五贴出的博客中,Wolfram创始人斯蒂芬·沃尔夫拉姆(Stephen Wolfram)承认,致使WolframAlpha不能返回结果的原因,一半是因为语言学的问题(linguistic problems)。
Wolfram Periodic Table: Hailed by Stephen Fry as reason enough to splash out on an iPad, this wonderful app brings the Periodic Table of the Elements to glorious life.
Wolfram Periodic Table: Hailed by Stephen Fry as reason enough to splash out on an iPad, this wonderful app brings the Periodic Table of the Elements to glorious life.