Sure, you still might be apprehensive about following your dreams after this call, but at least you'll have the inspiration to take action anyway.
For more involved projects you still have to encode at least some of your functions by hand for SWIG to know what to do.
They will watch you to see where you keep your money, so at least you may only lose a bit of cash, but you'll still have your ID and credit CARDS.
If a lot of threads are genuinely ill-behaved (never closing), you will still have a problem, but it becomes easier to debug at least. Here is a wrapper I use.
You still have to use a heat gun to remove the front glass, but at least you're heating up metal that won't deform as easily as plastic.
Don't worry about how to today, at least you still have tomorrow.
When you think you have nothing, you still have time at least, time can heal all wounds, so please do not cry.
At least you still have a job. Try working as a freelancer.
You still have almost 11 months left to make sure that at least you spend next Christmas with THE one.
That tells me that you at least still have a conscience.
This is the real world and there are plenty of ways that things may still get all screwed up, but at least you have a chance.
Actually I just wanna tell you, you are not alone, at least you still have me.
Dear of, ignore you have much sad, you nearby still have me at least, also have me to think to share with you together, you of all annoyance.
People in here are at least mostly different to the nightlife people, but somehow I have the feeling, they are still not the average - do you know what I mean?
At least you have paid much and love with your heart, and there is still sweet memories for you.
You still have to hide the note from theft, but at least you don't have to hide a whole bunch of gold from theft.
You still have to hide the note from theft, but at least you don't have to hide a whole bunch of gold from theft.