The goose was still walking around the parking lot, and there was another goose not far away.
When I came back five hours later, I saw him still walking, with the brick under his arm.
Zombie Banks are still walking.
Still walking alone along the path.
The man was still walking with his penguin.
We were still walking a tightrope, but I was optimistic.
I bought one, could not resist it, and started eating while I was still walking.
Today, we still are on the road, no matter how twisted it is, we are still walking!
Still walking up to the village to get a grilled halloumi pitta for breakfast though!
"It seems that when people find out about it, they're astonished, and possibly because I'm still walking around," she said.
They are still walking the same old path every country once took: First make demands, and only then consider the consequences!
Thursday and Friday aren't explicitly romantic and creative, but the effects of Monday through Wednesday last long into the week. You're still walking on air.
For him he's still walking about a mile, the cart can't go everywhere with him, and in that mile he is still experiencing more fatigue and pain than a healthy player would.
Race walking is still an event at the Olympic Games today.
Although the people in the crowd were angry, still the man tried walking to the door a second time.
I still lament how fat I am getting, but I certainly would be much more so without walking.
It was ridiculous to stand in front of a hotel for the prospect of a chocolate; still, Zichen smiled at the two armed guards, and, later, at a pair of foreigners walking out of the hotel.
For example, if the user inadvertently places the computer in a laptop bag still turned on, we want the computer to detect a normal walking or driving motion and turn the computer off.
Walking your horse (and business) is especially enlightening because you are walking at a nice pace but still you can smell and experience nature.
One can still the body's locomotion's by sitting and following the breath or else one can put it into energetically sustained movement by walking or running or climbing or swimming.
Sooner or later—though more quickly in thedeveloped world— almost everyone will be walking around with a camera capableof recording both still photos and video—the one in his or her mobile phone.
While he has helped care for his wife's aging parents, the couple still sometimes butt heads over who does things like walking the dog, now that he is out of work.
Today Mrs. K. is able to walk 300 meters with the help of a rollator walker (or walking frame), but due to her severe posture control deficit she still needs the support of an auxiliary person.
Still, heel and toe depths at Laetoli provide a glimpse of efficient walking “long before the emergence of our own genus, Homo, ” Jungers says.
I still remember walking in to meetings at work and thinking to myself...
This means that you still need to use XML structural constructs like Element or Text, and you still need to do a decent bit of tree walking.
By walking for an hour every day, and still eating my horrific diet, I was able to get a bit thinner.
And even though piano designers have been walking that line for centuries, Giordano believes there's still room for improvement.
“At that point, it was still mostly bicycles and people walking, ” Mr. Chan said.
“At that point, it was still mostly bicycles and people walking, ” Mr. Chan said.