Even though we worked so hard, the production level of fruit was still low because it was short of water there.
The water level still appears to be rising. The level is actually dropping.
But the cooling water has not been restored to its original level, it was judged nuclear fuel rods are still exposed.
The still water can keep absolute level and the carpenter uses it as the measuring tool.
The mud blocked the front of the entrance piece by piece, and we can still see the trace of water level that the flood left on the wall.
The research shows that Dongting Lake is still subsiding at the level both below water and above flood, and the velocity of the crust Subsidence all exceeds that of bedload's filling up.
In the morning after 11 when the water tank, inspect the basement level is 9 30CM has risen from normal level, but still 50CM, .
In addition to this, the main area of water can still offer a reserve of 15 centimetres between the normal and the maximum water level, which provides a storage buffer of 1,300 cubic metres.
The water level is still going up and down.
Still, he stuck to his post, reporting the water level to his headquarters every15 minutes.
It was found that even on the mountain higher than 3000 m above sea level water vapor and aerosol are still the main factors of the atmospheric extinction.
It was found that even on the mountain higher than 3000 m above sea level water vapor and aerosol are still the main factors of the atmospheric extinction.