He liked the rib stitch on the cuffs of the sweater.
Zisman on Friday was among the first employees to line up in the Pentagon courtyard to sew a stitch onto a U.
Designed with single hole to allow you to sew a straight stitch on lightweight fabric without skipping stitches.
This series of bead edge machine equipment is used for the sewing of decorative hand stitch on the fabric products.
Triple stitching on front, end lock stitch on armhole must be place on the hidden part of the sleeve seam, as noted it is place on front.
The bride should not wear her entire outfit before the wedding day. Some brides leave a final stitch on the dress undone until it is time to leave for the ceremony when the outfit is completed.
On the telephone, residents reported that tanks had been battering the old city, sewing needles and sheets had been used to stitch and bandage up the wounded, and food and water were almost gone.
He has been known to teach his customers how to stitch a seam on a stuffed animal and give tips on painting touch-ups.
Sew a running stitch (red thread in figure A) on the toe, as marked on the pattern (later it will be pulled to form gathers.)
Will you stitch a button on this shirt?
Important thangkas are embroidered on transferred Outlines; some of them use a great variety of stitch patterns such as flat and piled stitches to give them a three-dimensional effect.
The fact that his son recently bumped into Lord Mandelson, Britain’s powerful first secretary, on holiday in Corfu, has fuelled speculation about a stitch-up.
When a copy or contour line, cut the line pattern on the prototype or the outer part, while retaining the original stitch.
Pin two pieces on the left slipper front, about 6.5cm apart with a 1.5cm fold back. Hand-stitch in place along the folded edge, following figure e.
将其中两段缝在左边拖鞋的前部,相距6.5cm(算上折回的1.5 cm),沿边缘缝好,如图e。
People dressed as Santa Claus pack the bar at Stitch, a lounge in New York's fashion district, during SantaCon on Dec. 11, 2010.
Chenille and chain stitch are done on the same machine.
Chenille and chain stitch are done on the same machine.
A combination of long and short stitches with the short stitch visible on the right side.
For a Stamped cross stitch design, cross stitches are placed according to a design printed directly on fabric.
The effects of stitching technical parameters such as the stitch thread diameter, stitch step and stitch space on the stitched composite laminates are also analyzed.
She put on her spectacles, threaded a needle, and stitch by stitch sewed up the rent in the sleeve.
Continue to work back and forth, wrapping and turning one stitch before the previous wrap on each end.
Place the interfacing on the wrong side and use a catch stitch tow sew the edges of the interfacing to the stitching line of dart.
And I thought, what on earth is stitch work mean?
She has also studied everything from how to stitch her own wounds to how to cope with sleep deprivation and how to put out fires on board her 11.5-metre twin-mast ketch.
She has also studied everything from how to stitch her own wounds to how to cope with sleep deprivation and how to put out fires on board her 11.5-metre twin-mast ketch.