We propose a two-stage stochastic programming model with uncertain demand.
A stochastic programming model with fuzzy chance constraint is presented which has stochastic and fuzzy parameters.
A stochastic programming model was established for selection of container shipping routes, Author put forward an effective way of handling uncertain data in the models.
Transform the bilevel stochastic programming model into single-level stochastic programming model under certain confidence, and a corresponding mixed method is designed.
A stochastic programming model was established for selection of container shipping routes, and in the model uncertainty in container demands was taken into consideration.
In this paper we propose a stochastic programming model to determine the location and capacity of centralized return centers and distribution centers in reverse logistics network.
Following, it describes in detail of the dynamic stochastic programming model used in asset liability management, consisting of the basic concepts, optimizing model and the steps.
A stochastic programming model with fuzzy chance constraint is presented which has stochastic and fuzzy parameters. Improved paper-boy problem demonstrates that the programming model is reasonable.
We formulated scenario based multi-objective stochastic programming model to describe the problem of capacity planning under uncertainty and applied improved Multi-Objective PSO (MOPSO) to solve it.
A new bilevel programming model-bilevel stochastic programming model is presented and the genetic algorithms based on Monte Carlo simulation to solve bilevel stochastic programming problem is given.
A stochastic linear programming model with simple recourse was developed to study the asset and liability management of Banks under uncertainties based on the domestic economic environment.
Based on the theory of chance constrained programming and stochastic storage, this paper puts forward the model for the allocation of empty container, and provides corresponding example.
A chance constrained programming model is built to the stochastic optimal power flow problem (S-OPF) considering load probabilistic distributions.
An integrated model is proposed using stochastic mixed integer programming approach.
The dynamic CRM model is presented by using stochastic game theory and estimable structural dynamic programming technologies.
In this paper, an expected value programming model is introduced for a continuous production-inventory system with stochastic production cost and stochastic demand.
Network bottleneck capacity expansion problem with stochastic cost is originally formulated as chance-dependent programming model.
Based on stochastic programming, a multi objective chance constrained optimization model is developed for an illustrative coal blending problem.
Network bottleneck capacity expansion problem with stochastic cost is originally formulated as Chanceconstrained programming model accordin.
The parameters of model are measured by taking into account the stochastic characteristic of entire test data, which is connected with a maximum likelihood method and math programming.
The parameters of model are measured by taking into account the stochastic characteristic of entire test data, which is connected with a maximum likelihood method and math programming.