The test tells us, graphics edit module fully meet stone machining demand and it is easy to use.
In order to meet this demand, many strong companys and stone machining enterprises invest to purchase Nmerical Control machining Centers of high precision.
But, being not clear to the functions and technic-characters of the stone machining Centers, they can not make best use of the machines in stone-machining.
The diamond wire-saw is a kind of stone machining equipment with flexible cutters. It is widely used in stone quarrying, machining of blocks and various special-shaped stones.
After machining, a couple of passes on a stone or piece of fine sandpaper on a flat surface remove the machining marks and allow the part to transition smoothly from flat sides into the radius.
The second step, stone processing, the need to connect the mountain with a hammer and chisel, saw tools such as machining texture and compare peculiar shape.
Traditional statues were most carved in wood or stone or moulded in clay and could hardly ever involve with complicated machining or casting.
Traditional statues were most carved in wood or stone or moulded in clay and could hardly ever involve with complicated machining or casting.